Hello Soul friends!
It’s such a joy, as the new year begins, to be intentional about creating a wonderful 2019.
I’ve already shared with you, in previous blogs, the importance of choosing your “feeling-fuel” for the year (Choosing your feeling fuel in 2019). And of taking time, this first month of the year, to hear your Soul’s guidance about what you’re meant to create in 2019 (Use January to set a beautiful foundation for 2019).
As you think about the goals you want to achieve this year, it can be tempting to feel like you have to hurry and hustle to get things done. It can feel like what you need to do is, well, DO MORE.
But, the truth is that birthing your creations is much more about BEING than it is about doing. In fact, doing too much can get in the way of you achieving your goals.
Don’t get me wrong, doing is important. And, of course, there will be steps your Soul guides you to take in order to reach your goals. For example, if one of your goals for 2019, is to write a book, then, yes, you need to write.
Similarly, if you’re wanting to start a new business, you will need to take certain business related steps. If you want to increase your income, same thing.
However, even more important than the steps you take is how your are BEING as you take the steps.
So, for instance, going back to the book example. Let’s say your goal is that by December of this year you will have completed your book. Before outlining the steps you will take, and even as you take the steps necessary to write your book, you want to imagine yourself as if you already wrote the book. You want to be the author of your book NOW. Yes NOW, even before the book is done, even before you start the book.
You can do this by asking yourself questions that stimulate that energy of BEING.
For instance, you can ask yourself the following questions (of course, fill in the blank with your own goals if writing a book isn’t one of your goals)
How will you feel once you’ve written your book?
How will you walk?
How will you speak?
What will be different in your life?
How will you treat yourself?
And let yourself really be with the answers. You can write them down. But the most important thing is that you imagine yourself be in that state. Really let yourself feel as if ti has already happened. It only takes about a minute or even less to do this. And you will get better at it every time you do it.
The point is that you don’t need to wait until you achieve your goals to feel these feelings, this energy of already achieving your goal is available to you NOW.
And more importantly, when you take time to be in that state of BEING–birthing your creations becomes much more about ALLOWING your goals to come to you, as opposed to CHASING them, or hoping they will happen. And that is a big difference.
So my dears, think of one of your big goals for 2019. Be bold.
Imagine yourself already achieving that goal. In other words, see yourself as if you have already become that person that achieved that goal.
How do you feel?
What do you look like?
How do you treat yourself?
How do you talk to yourself?
What is different in your life?
Just sit there and be with that energy. Allow yourself to really imagine it. As you do this you’re “putting on” that energy, and be in that state of being before you take any steps to achieve your goal.
It really only takes a minute to do this practice but it makes all the difference. And my recommendation is that you do it everyday, in the morning or the middle of the day. Do it multiple times a day. Again, it doesn’t take long. It can take merely thirty seconds or one minute.
Remember that enjoying the ride of reaching your goals is as important as reaching them.
There is absolutely no point in reaching your dreams if you’re feeling depleted, resentful, scattered and frazzled when you do it.
I am wishing you so much love, joy, freedom and flow as you take this time to really be intentional about creating this beautiful year for yourself.
You got this.
I have so much faith in you!
PS. If you want help becoming the author of your own life as you evolving your career/work-life so that it brings you joy and fulfillment, I’m here for your! Click here to read how you can schedule a free private session with me.
PSS. There’s still room in my women’s retreat on 1/25. I’d love for you to join me as I help you set the foundation for an awesome 2019! Register here. See flyer with details here: CenterJan2019retreat2019PDF
Listen to audio version of blog below: