I was all set to write a blog about the importance of gratitude and remembering all of the blessings in our life. But then I took a walk with my Soul–a Soul walk, I call it. And my Soul reminded me of how grateful She is for me. As I walked outside in the cold Chicago morning I felt a warmth in my heart, as I let myself receive my Soul’s “thank you”.
I remembered all the classes and workshops I’ve taught in 2018 where I invited students to connect with their Soul. I was focused on helping them receive guidance from their Soul, and my students then thanking their Soul for this guidance. This was, and still is, a beautiful and important part of my gatherings.
But what I hadn’t expected, or planned for, was the clear awareness I had of my students’ Soul thanking them. Yes, such deep gratitude was beaming out of their Soul for them. I often saw an image of their Soul’s bowing in deep reverence and gratitude for my students. And I could feel how much their Soul wanted them to know this.
I’m not sure why this surprised me. It makes perfect sense. After all, your Soul loves you unconditionally and is eager to connect with you. But, so often, the emphasis is on thanking our Soul for its healing, that it’s easy to miss how incredibly grateful our Soul is for us.
Now, this has become one of the most powerful parts of my classes–to have students take a moment to receive gratitude from their Soul.
The amazing thing about this practice, is that when you really allow yourself to receive your Soul’s gratitude, you become more generous. It’s like you’re so overflowing with love that you are compelled to share that love with others. Like you really can’t help yourself.
So, my dears, today, this week, as you give thanks for all the blessings in your life, take time to be with your Soul and receive Her deep gratitude for you.
Keep it simple.
Just bringing the palms of your hands over your heart, and letting your Soul know that you are open to receive her gratitude can be enough. Give yourself the gift of doing this practice a few times a day. It only need take a minute.
If you’re guided to, you can do a little ritual, such as lighting a candle, holding a crystal, or playing some soothing music as you receive from your beautiful Soul.
Just follow your heart and do whatever feels good.
You are a gift!
Blessings and deep gratitude,
PS. Interested in meeting with me privately? Click here to read how.
Listen to audio version of blog below: