You’ve been preparing for this for a long time, maybe even lifetimes.
This is the year where you reveal your truth, first to yourself and then to the world.
The year where you dare to stand out even when it’s uncomfortable.
Being in your Soul’s spotlight is what a leader does.
Not from a place of arrogance or narcissism but from a place of love and service.
Last year I traveled a lot for my leadership. The picture above, in what I call my “Earth Angel/Wonder Woman” pose was taken at one of the Sophia Circle events I had the great honor of supporting.
It was amazing to be there in my leadership. It was also uncomfortable and often involved some level of vulnerability. I’ve learned that this is normal.
So, if you’re feeling a bit shaky about stepping out of your comfort zone, know that this is just the ego structure trying to keep you in the same place. That’s what the ego does.
Your Soul, on the other hand, is always guiding you to stretch, to shine, to lead and to love.
This Thursday my next Sophia Circle journey begins.
This powerful journey is designed to accelerate your healing, your leadership and your service.
Ultimately it is a journey of self-love and a journey to embody your love for the world.
If this calls to your heart, I’d love for you to join us.
CLICK HERE for all the details.