You all have an inner wise woman. This is part of you that is unapologetic about who you are and what you came to share with the world. This wise woman is intuitive and connected to the wisdom of your body. My inner wise woman is an old, strong, medicine woman that has lived a good life and has learned to fully trust her Soul and let it lead her.
Earlier this month on my trip to Guanajuato, Mexico I participated in a Temazcal, a Mexican, indigenous sweat lodge. This was a 2-hour ceremony in a small round clay structure filled with healing herbs, stones, and jars of water. The facilitators of this ancient, sacred ritual, drummed and led us in chanting as we released what no longer served us.
The leaders of the ceremony encouraged us to stay throughout the ritual and brave the heat, but they also reminded us that we were free to exit the Temazcal and get some fresh air if it got too intense.
It was a beautiful and challenging experience. There was a point in the ceremony where I was sure I was going to have to walk out. The heat and steam was simply becoming unbearable for me. As I prayed for guidance my inner wise woman showed up. It was actually a group of inner wise women, which I refer to as Las Abuelitas, The Grandmothers.
I didn’t see them but I heard their voices and felt their loving touch. I was on the verge of panic due to the steam and heat in the Temazcal but the abuelitas told me to slow and deepen my breathing. As I did this I felt like they were breathing cool air into me. As I calmed down they showed me a large, beautiful, yellow butterfly.
This etheric butterfly was as big as the Temazcal and was hovering right in front of me with its wings spread open, fanning me with fresh air.. The abuelitas told me that this large butterfly represented my heart that was expanding. They kept repeating, “You are becoming a bigger container.” “You are becoming a bigger container.” Like a loving mantra and blessing they kept repeating this to me.
I understood that they meant that I was being expanded so that I could hold more compassion and love for myself, my family, my clients, the world. I admit this scared me a bit. I wondered if I really wanted to become a bigger container.
Did this mean I was going to hold more pain?
In response these wise women of mine laughed, and chuckled, as they answered me.
“Yes, more pain, more joy, more love. But it will not break you. It will all be a gift.”
They reassured me that this was a blessing. To trust and receive it. And so I did.
I invite you to connect with your Inner Wise Woman/en. You don’t need to participate in a sweat lodge to access her love and wisdom. Your powerful intention is enough. Create some sacred space where you will not be disturbed. Then bring the palms of your hands over your heart as you breathe into your heart space. Let this inner wise woman know that you want to connect with her. You can ask your inner wise woman
- What do you want me to remember?
- What do you want to tell me?
- How can I take care of you?
- Where in my life am I holding back?
On Sunday, at my special Book talk and meditation I will be leading an inner journey to help you access your wise woman.