Happy Spring everyone! This is the season of rebirth and renewal. It’s a perfect time to reflect on where you want to be at the end of this year. What does your Soul want you to lay down, to release once and for all? What does your Soul want you to create? As far as your career, where does your Soul want you to be when the end of the year comes around?
Whatever your unique intentions, there is one common calling that many of you are feeling. And that is the calling to be a vessel of unconditional love. I know it sounds like a big job, perhaps even impossible. But that is precisely what many of you signed up for, when you incarnated this lifetime, because you knew how great the need of the world would be.
It’s important to understand that your Soul would not be guiding you to become a vessel of unconditional love if it was impossible. It is possible and it is a calling that is answered step, by little step. It is a mission that your Soul is constantly reminding you of, in big and little ways. It doesn’t require you to be perfect, but it does require your commitment and loving dedication.
More than anything, answering this calling requires you to uncover the veils that cover your brilliance, your light and your Soul’s medicine, so you can finally, truly remember who you are. The time is now to say yes and be a beacon of love for others.
One of the most powerful ways to catalyze your remembrance is to retreat, to take time away from your normal everyday routine and spend time convening with your Soul. This is not an escape, this is a coming home.
It is my great joy to invite you to my women’s day retreat designed to do just that. I’ve called it, Remember Who You Are: Being a Vessel of Unconditional Love.
This is a day for you to renew your energy, recommit to your Soul, release blocks, and most importantly REMEMBER why you came to this world.
I have designed this retreat to be sacred AND practical. This will be a day that brings about great transformation in your life and that will create ripple effects of blessings long after the retreat is over.
The day will include among other things:
- Ceremony to connect with your Soul and those Spirit Guides who are dedicated to helping you fulfill your Divine Purpose.
- Special advanced and practical teachings on how to walk in the world as a grounded vessel of unconditional love.
- Special meditations designed to help you receive inner guidance on what clear, grounded and purposeful steps your Soul is guiding you take after the retreat is over.
- Special Reiki attunement* to stimulate your Divine remembering, and strengthen your ability to walk as a vessel of unconditional love.
- Labyrinth ceremony to bless your unique sacred journey with flow, abundance and joy.
* If you have already received an attunement already that is not a problem. You can always receive more attunements and is actually very powerful to do so. Also, this specific attunement is different that any others you may have received, even from me, in the past.
Retreat also includes:
- Time for you to be alone with your Soul in beautiful natural surroundings.
- Delicious lunch in lovely dining hall.
- Time to connect with like-minded women in a safe, uplifting environment.
So my dears listen within. Is your Soul guiding you to participate in this beautiful gathering? Perhaps you had a Soul appointment that you weren’t even aware of but now as you read these words you realize that you are meant to be there. Take some time in silence, listen to your Soul, and then have the courage to follow that guidance.
Please note there is a special rate for those of you who register early note and space is limited.
In love,
Listen to audio version of blog
Listen to follow-up meditation: Remember Who You Are