As we prepare for our relocation I’m knee deep… (read full blog below)
This picture captures a grateful moment of inner space after a lot of “feeling all the feels.”
As we prepare for our relocation, I’m knee deep in clearing out bedrooms, closets, cabinets and more.
Sorting through so much stuff–old pictures, old files, toys from when my kids were little, journals from when I first began my business 14 years ago– has become quite a spiritual experience.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of work. I can easily go into automatic mode and just barrel though the countless tasks that a relocation entails.
At the same time, the “barreling mode”, is not sustainable, at least, not for me.
Inevitably, I have to stop, pause, and feel the myriad of emotions that this major move brings up for me.
There’s no skipping this important step of FEELING that comes with letting go.
Tears flowed when I saw my son, Jorge’s old books we use to read together when he was a boy (he’s now 23); or when I see one of my daughter’s old art projects that she worked so hard on (she’s now 28).
I cried when I saw pictures of our first days here in this house and remembered how happy we were to have found this special home.
And then, as I looked through old journals from when I left my career in education to start my own spiritual/wellness business, I was filled with self-compassion and awe.
In those old entries, I can read both my excitement and utter panic at the leap of faith I just taken.
As I let myself FEEL all the feelings: the grief, the joy, the tenderness and the, at times, bittersweetness of it all, I’ve noticed a great space being created in me for more Soul connection.
To be clear, I don’t always welcome the process of “feeling all the feels”.
I can try and skip it, but I’ve learned, in many painful ways, that skipping never really works.
And, so eventually I pause, and let myself FEEL and then, slowly, but surely, the sacred space inside emerges.
I don’t notice this space right away, but rather later when I least expect it, but sorely need it, there it is, SPACE filled with my own Soul’s light.
With more of my Soul available I’m then able to receive my Soul’s guidance in a stronger way. My medicine increases and is available to reach more people.
This, of course, isn’t a new revelation to me, but this important initiation that I’m in the midst of is magnifying this process in a powerful way.
So, my dears, what are you being called to FEEL so you can make more space for your Soul?
If you’re not sure, ask your Soul.
You can simply place the palms of your hands over your heart and say simple words like:
“Soul show me what I need to feel”.
Remember, you might not “hear” the answer right way, but your Soul ALWAYS answers you and the guidance will be revealed at just the right time.
You’ve got this, brave one.
We’re on this courageous path of Soulful leadership together.