Spring time brings the energy of renewal and rebirth.
After the dark of winter, buds start to rise up from the darkness of the soil.
Slowly, but surely, the green energy starts to emerge.
In the winter, you’ve been setting the foundation for the fertile spring. Even if you weren’t consciously aware of it, your Soul has been preparing you for rebirth in the coming season.
We often echo the cycles of nature, and as you come to the last stages of winter you may be feeling your buds beginning to rise up.
You can help your creations take bloom, by making time to reflect on your journey this winter.
Below are some helpful questions to ask yourself.
Remember to invite your loving Soul to lead this reflection. This is meant to be a sacred, mindful reflective time, full of compassion and self-love. If you notice any self-judgment come up, send it compassion.
This winter,
What was my biggest challenge(s)?
What was my biggest blessing (s)?
What did I learn about myself?
What did I let go of?
What did I embrace?
What was surprising?
What am I grateful for?
What was I getting prepared for?
Look through your answers and acknowledge your courage. Even if there were things that you are labeling as “mistakes”, remember that this life journey is not about perfection, and all, those, so called, “mistakes” are turned into wisdom.
Afterwards, I suggest you add a little movement to help move any stagnant energy through your body. This will help your energy expand and be ready for the newness of spring.
And then you will be ready to birth your creations!
The world needs your light ,and I can’t wait to see what you bring forth this coming spring.
ps If you’re in Chicago, check-out my Soul Flow Spring class this Friday (click here to read more). You will leave ready to create with joy and ease this spring. Early bird registration extended until tomorrow.
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