I love the beginning of the year!
It just feels so good to start a new cycle.
Over the years the way I begin my new year has evolved.
In the past, when the new year began I focused solely on my external goals.
I made lists of all the things I wanted to –change, fix, and accomplish in the new year. And, that was helpful, to an extent.
But you see, I finally learned that my joy was actually NOT dependent on the external things.
Yes, I still create goals, that I absolutely want to reach. And in future blogs I’ll be talking about goal-setting and taking the steps necessary to meet those goals.
But right now,as the year begins, my focus is INTERNAL.
As the new year starts I want to make sure that I listen to my Soul about the INTERNAL EVOLUTION it wants me to create in 2019. And I want to help you do the same.
For instance, reflect on the following questions:
1. How do you want to FEEL in 2019? In other words, what do you want your dominant feelings to be?
2. What do you want your dominant THOUGHTS to be?
3. What old MENTAL PROGRAMMING are you ready to release?
Getting clear on those things is what will bring you the most joy and flow AND will also help you accomplish the external goals you set for yourself.
This month, I have various offerings that are all about helping you to set up your year, so that when the end of 2019 comes (yes, imagine that right now it’s December 31st, 2019) you’re looking back on this year with such GRATITUDE and AWE at all the internal and external transformation you have undergone.
So my dears, my invitation to you, is that you use January to set a BEAUTIFUL FOUNDATION for 2019. Resist the urge to solely focus on goal setting.
Tend to your inner world and your outer world will mirror the beauty you create inside.
I am here for you. I am here to support and help you.
You can read below all the details of the workshops, classes and my women’s retreat on my events page here.
I’d love for you to join me!
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