I woke up recently very upset with myself. I felt the old familiar feelings of disappointment, insecurity and self-judgement.
The sun wasn’t up yet, but I was wide awake, so I got up and went to my home studio (part office, part meditation and yoga room). I grumpily planted myself on my meditation cushion and asked Mother Mary (my beloved go-to Ascended Master) to “PLEASE HELP ME”. I didn’t receive a jolt of healing but I did receive the clarity that I needed to get my journal and write down the thoughts that were swirling through my head.
Where did the week go?
I’ve wasted a week!
I’ve gotten nothing done!
Why can’t I figure this out?
I’m behind!
That’s a concise version, but it gives you an idea of what was going on in my brain.
I was deep in self-judgment. As I read through my long list of thoughts, I recognized that these stream of thinking was very familiar (even though I hadn’t felt it quite this strong in a while).
I was in an old program of self-judgment, one that often arises after I’ve had to adjust my plans and then feel that I’ve “fallen behind”. It was that old program of “beat yourself up when you haven’t achieved ____ “(you fill in the blank).
An outdated program, that’s all it was. I remembered that October was my birthday month and a big portal of healing is available to us around our birthday.
I asked Mother Mary to help me release this program.
She guided me to write down all the things I had actually done this week. As I did, realized I had accomplished so much more than what I was giving myself credit for. I saw how the vibration of self-judgment had made it, almost, impossible for me to see clearly. It dawned on me (literally as the sun was coming up) that if the old program was self-judgment, the new program had to be self-compassion, self-love, self-approval. I breathed a sigh of RELIEF at this clarity. Initially, I had thought the problem was lack of planning, or my sleep problems.
I thought the solution was being perfectly organized and fixing my sleep issues, both of which felt overwhelming.
But, actually, the medicine was MORE SELF-LOVE.
I brought one of my hands over my heart and bathed myself with loving, caring words.
I’m so proud of you.
You expanded so much this week.
You took so many courageous steps.
Everything is unfolding in the right timing.
As I talked to myself, I also felt Mother Mary chime in with her beautiful blessings.
I resisted the urge to get the self-love “over with” and instead breathed through the discomfort that the unfamiliarity of self-love can bring up. When I felt complete, my mind was clear.
I suddenly knew an action step that I needed to take. It was one that I wouldn’t have been able to do had I stayed in self-berating. This is the power of identifying the REAL problem and obstacle: you actually work on the issue that needs healing and you create the change that is needed. When I meet with potential clients for their initial consult, I ask them to tell me what they need help with.
They will say things like:
* I don’t have enough time
* I’m unsure of what my intuition is telling me
* I don’t hear my Soul
* I’m so anxious.
* I take all the steps but nothing changes.
* There’s people in my life that really need me and I can’t focus on myself until they’re OK.
These courageous people have a deep desire to follow their Soul’s guidance.
They know they have more love, more openness and more of their gifts to share with the world, but there’s a block and they’re not sure what it is.
Or, sometimes, they think the know the problem, but just like I was wrong when I was in the fog of self-judgment, they also can’t see the true obstacle through their own feelings of disappointment or self-criticism. This is what I help them with in the free Breakthrough Consult that I offer to any potential client.
It’s an opportunity for them to be listened to deeply, witnessed compassionately and receive the clarity of knowing what the real problem is and what the solution is.
It’s so simple and yet so profound.
So, my dear, if you feel a blocked or perhaps like an old program is hindering your progress, take a loving pause. Ask your Soul to show you what the real issue is so you can begin to heal it.
And, if you’d like to receive help with this, it would be my honor to meet with you. Remember, the world needs your unique Soul’s Medicine, now more than ever.
Anytime you spend on healing anything that may be blocking it, is a gift, not only to yourself, but to the world.
The details of my free Breakthrough Consult are below.
PS. If you’d like to meet with me for a free 45-60 minute Breakthrough Consultation click HERE to book your session* via Zoom or phone.
I’ll help you compassionately identify the real problem and the solution that will help you heal the obstacles that are most in your way. If it feels like we’d be a good fit, I will also share how I would customize my signature coaching program to meet your unique needs and intentions. *If you don’t see a time that works, email me to see if I can find another time. Please note, my business hours are M-F, 9-4pm. CST.