Happy April everyone!
This month leading up to the start of my new online program I am sharing short video teachings on my Facebook page. These are meant to give you a little taste of what we will be covering in my upcoming 10-week coaching program which is based on the principles in my book, Answering Your Inner Calling (now on Amazon).
The video and the end of this blog talks about the importance of self-compassion and receptivity. These qualities are essential because your Soul will guide you to release old burdens, and outdated beliefs that can keep you from attracting the work that is meant for you.
As this begins to happen it is very easy for you to begin judging or berating yourself for past choices, or for having self-sabotaging patterns. And once this happens it is very easy to get stuck. I’ve seen this time and again with clients (and myself) as they get to this point and get stuck in self-criticism that can be very paralyzing. This is why it is essential that you ask your Soul to bathe you with its quality of compassion. This isn’t a logical thing but as I’ve say in my book your Soul is not logical but it is wise.
Which leads us to the quality of receptivity. By receptivity I mean your ability to receive. In order to be led by your Soul you need to be able to receive. It might sound silly or even selfish but receptivity is actually a divine quality that needs to be practiced. So when you ask your Soul to bathe you in compassion you must be able to receive it.
Watch the video below to learn more about how to do this dear ones.