You are all pregnant. Whether you’re female or male you all have a sacred womb that carries the seeds of your creations.
Right now in May the important question to ask yourself is,
“What am I ready to share with the world, even if it scares me?”.
The answer will bring a little (or a lot) of fear and that is NORMAL. In fact, if you don’t feel any fear you’re probably not sharing what your Soul is guiding you to share.
All of you are on different part of your journey of evolving your career.
Some of you may feel like you’ve been on this path for years, lifetimes even.
And others of you may feel like you’re just getting started.
Wherever you are is PERFECT. There is no need to compare yourself to others.
Trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
And that if you’re reading this there is absolutely something you’re Soul is guiding you to share with the world, even if it scares you.
A few examples of what you may be guided to share:
- Your writing
- A new class
- Sharing your message through a different form that has a potential to reach more people
- Your presence in a class that brings up insecurities
- Saying NO. Yes, sometimes your Soul is guiding you to share your NO’s so you can make space for your YESES.
- Saying YES. Yup. Your Soul may be saying it’s time to say YES.
- Asking for help.
- Your vulnerability.
- Your tenderness.
- An upgraded way to share your medicine. Perhaps you’re being called to integrate the different modalities you know and create a new offering.
It may be one, or more, of the above. Or something completely different. You will know.
AND please know that you are not alone.
Aside from any earth helpers you may have, you also have so much Divine support.
One of the most powerful holy helpers is the Divine Mother. Whether you connect with Her as Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Tara, or her countless other divine faces She is with you.
She is a mother. She loves mothers. Not only mothers of babies, but mothers of creations, of new offerings, of new medicine that will heal the world.
As I said above this includes females or males.
The Divine Mother knows how much courage it takes to birth your creations and to share them with the world.
Furthermore, She knows how much the world needs what you have to offer.
So this month of the mother lean into your Divine Mother as you share with the world what She is guiding you to share even if it scares you.
She is the good mother that cheers you on, that gently and firmly keeps you going when you’re feeling like giving up, that keeps you safe, that opens golden doors of opportunity.
In the video below I talk more about this, and lead you through a meditation that will help you receive the Divine Mother’s empowerment and healing.
Let yourself be mothered by your Holy Mother and see all the blessings, miracles and grace that this Divine connection brings.
Many blessings,
PS. This Friday I will be teaching a special class at Beverly Yoga Center for all of you who mother the world. I know the Divine Mother will be there blessings us and all of our creations. Click here to read more and register.