I’m retired but I still have so much to give. But at my age am I still relevant?
My kids are grown. They don’t need me in the same way they used to and I want to find work that is fulfilling. But how do I start?
I’ve definitely outgrown my current career, but I actually think some part of me doesn’t believe I deserve to have a job that is truly fulfilling.I hate my job. I actually pray that I get into a small accident on the way there so I can break my leg and have a legitimate reason to miss work. But I’m scared to leave. At my age can I really find something new that would be better?
These are all things clients have told me as I’ve helped them to move into the next phase of their life’s work. I actually saw the last woman–I’ll call her Donna–recently in my meditation class. She was radiant as she told me that she had finally taken the plunge and left her job for a new one. She admitted that leaving her old job was terrifying. In the days leading up to it she couldn’t sleep and she was literally shaking, but she did it. And now she loves her new job. She told me, “Lisa, tell other women that there’s something better waiting for them. I worried that at 59 I wouldn’t be able to find something, but I did, and your consultation was part of what helped me do this.”
I’ll be honest and say that it takes work to answer your Soul’s calling. But probably not the type of work you’re envisioning. This isn’t about polishing your resume, or figuring out your talents, although that might be part of it at some point. No, when I say work, I mean inner work. After going through my own career transition and helping hundreds of women go through theirs, I know that this is not about an outer search for the perfect job but rather an inner journey to tap into your Soul’s wisdom and follow its guidance.
In reality, it’s simple–as most spiritual journeys tend to be. But simple isn’t necessarily easy. Although our Soul is eager to guide us, our fears get in the way. And this is why we need help. I was very scared when I left teaching to pursue a career that, at that point, was quite vague and unclear. I knew that without help those fears would derail me. So I worked with my life coach as I followed my Soul’s guidance. Her support was essential, but I had to commit to the inner work–to looking at my fears and healing them so that I could continue moving forward. This is sacred and courageous work and it is my life’s purpose to help others as they embark on it.