Join me as I lead you through an uplifting & powerful mantra as well as a guided meditation AND Reiki all with the intention of BLESSING your CAREER. You each have a unique Soul’s medicine
Gather from the comfort of your home for this sacred, healing circle. Receive long distance Reiki, and wise, loving guidance from your Soul about your career and life. Request Reiki for specific career and life
Gather from the comfort of your home for this sacred, healing circle. Receive long distance Reiki, and wise, loving guidance from your Soul about your career and life. Request Reiki for specific career and life
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career coach, healing, life purpose, meaningful work, meditation, Soul medicine, spiritual coach
Join Lisa for a short, powerful teaching, followed by a guided inner journey to connect with your Soul about your career and life’s work. Tune in on her Facebook Page:
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career coach, healing, life purpose, meaningful work, meditation, Soul medicine, spiritual coach
Join Lisa for a short, powerful teaching, followed by a guided inner journey to connect with your Soul about your career and life’s work. Tune in on her Facebook Page:
Gather from the comfort of your home for this sacred, healing circle. Receive long distance Reiki, and wise, loving guidance from your Soul about your career and life. Request Reiki for specific career and life
Gather from the comfort of your home for this sacred, healing circle. Receive long distance Reiki, and wise, loving guidance from your Soul about your career and life. Request Reiki for specific career and life
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career coach, energy healing, healing, lightworker, mindfulness, spiritual coach, wellness
Everyone has energy cords. Many of these cords are positive ones that connect you with love, light and peace. However, energy cords can also be depleting and can keep you attached to people or circumstances
Evolving Your Career is a workshop that will help you follow your Soul’s guidance to evolve your career from the inside out. Through special meditations and journaling exercises, you’ll get in touch with this guidance
Come into stillness and mindful movement to connect with your Soul. Leave refreshed, restored and renewed. Receive guidance from your Soul on practical steps to take. By donation.
Come into stillness and mindful movement to connect with your Soul. Leave refreshed, restored and renewed. Receive guidance from your Soul on practical steps to take. By donation.
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energy healing, grief, healing, inner child, lightworker, meditation, spiritual coach, wellness
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a gentle and powerful psychospiritual model of therapy. This form of therapy helps you reach emotional balance by teaching you how to heal the various “parts” of you that carry