This realization derailed my initial plan of making a list of action steps to reach my goals. You see I’m really good at getting things done. And there is a certain type of emotional high in making a list and crossing it off. But, yet again, Spirit was pushing me to grow, and it seems that this means, as one of my teacher says, “Slowing down in order to go faster.”
As I’ve reflected on this I understood that it’s really about pausing to reconnecting with my inner compass. Or like my friend and I called it, “starting with our sacred self.” This means that throughout the day I am checking in with myself and noticing the energy behind my choices. For instance, yesterday, at about 5:00pm I realized I had not had a chance to check my emails. I had a few minutes before seeing my next client and I quickly rushed for my laptop. But, just as I was about to begin in my mind I heard, “starting with my sacred self.” This made me pause and ask myself does my sacred self want to check emails right now? The immediate answer was “No!”. I immediately realized that this time would be best used doing something nurturing for myself so I could be in a centered place as I welcomed my next client.
It was that simple, but it made a huge difference. Since then I keep repeating, “starting form my sacred self” almost like a mantra. I even started making up a little song about it. Interestingly, as I wrote the title of this piece I accidentally wrote, “Starting from our scared self.” I think I think the universe was reminding me that when I don’t start from my sacred self I often start from my scared self and that always ends up creating much more work for me and blocking my intuition and abundance.
Love and light,
If you want to try this process I encourage you to write the phrase, “starting with my sacred self” down in your journal. Then close your eyes, take a few breaths, and imagine how it feels when you begin from that sacred place. Try to get as clear as you can. Then write whatever comes up, without censoring, in your journal. Start to notice as you go through your day the situations that make it easy for you to start from sacredness and the ones that tend to distract you. Be gentle with yourself as you do this. I find that having a lighthearted attitude about it makes it much easier.