There are about fifty days left in 2018. Amazing!
This is a time to stay committed and connected to your Soul. This time of the year, is a mystical time, where the veils thin, and the possibilities for miracles, healings and blessings are magnified. So it is essential that you stay awake (as in awake to your Soul) to the gifts of this season. As you do this, you will be able to recognize the guidance your Soul is sending about the expanded ways you will share your light in 2019.
At the same time, the holiday season can be a time where you find yourself extra busy, overwhelmed and scattered; a time where you somehow end up forgetting about your dreams and aspirations. And a time when you stop receiving from your Soul.
The good news is that you get to choose how you want these last fifty days of the year to be. You decide if you want them to be filled with miracles, clarity, and direction about your life’s purpose. Of if you want them to be rushed and scattered, and most detrimental to you, if you want to feel disconnected from your Soul as you end the year.
One of the simplest and most powerful ways to stay aligned with your Soul these last days of the year, is to practice the art of receiving. Yes, receiving is a skill and an art form, that is essential so that you can, well, receive from your Soul. In my work with clients, I have seen how deficient many women, are in the art of receiving.
As the loving, giving person that you are, your focus might mostly be on giving, on helping, and taking care of others. These are all, wonderful things, of course, but the problem comes when this giving gets in the way of you receiving, particularly, you receiving from your Soul. And furthermore, it’s important to remember that the more you receive from your Soul the more you can give to others.
What does your Soul want to give you?
First, your Soul wants to shower you with unconditional love. This is the most healing energy in the world. Whatever wound–be it physical, emotional or spiritual–that you hold, unconditional love can heal it. And then, yes, your Soul also has guidance about your career, your life’s purpose and any other question you may have.
But, although your Soul is always with you, and always ready to give, you must choose to receive.
So these last fifty days I invite you to do a “50-day Bold Receiving Goal” practice. This practice will expand your ability to receive and to give.
Here are the steps:
1. Create a sacred space and ask your Soul what She most wants you to receive these last fifty days. It might be, for example: more joy, money, caring, inner peace, relaxation, time, connection with friends, creativity. Most likely it will be an area where you are feeling lack. The possibilities are endless.
And it’s actually very powerful if you just focus on ONE thing. Don’t worry if you feel you want more time and more financial freedom for instance. Just choose the one that feels the loudest and just focus on that one (Your Soul will tell you which one). You will see that focusing on ONE will actually bring abundance to all areas of your life. It’s really important to keep this practice simple.
2. On a lined paper write on the top, “50-Day Bold Receiving Goal” and then start numbering each row, until you reach 50. Also, next to the number write the appropriate date. So for example, if you start this practice on 11/12. You’d write the number 1 and then 11/12 next to it, then the next row would look something like 2) 11/13 and so on, until you reach number 50, which would be 12/31. You will need to use both sides of the paper or you can use two papers or more. You can also do this in a journal/notebook. If you start this at a later time that’s fine. Just begin wherever you are at. So if it ends up being for instance a, “44-Day Bold Receiving Goal”, that works.
3. Every day notice all the ways you received your goal. For example, if your Soul said it would love for you to receive more time. Notice, every day, the ways you receive more time. Perhaps surprisingly someone offers to help you run an errand, thus saving you time. Or something you thought would take you hours to complete, ends up being done way faster. Those are examples of you receiving more time. So you’d write those down.
If receiving more money is your goal, you follow the same process. Every day you write all the ways more money comes into your life. If you find a nickel on your morning walk, you write that down. If you receive an unexpected refund from your insurance, you write that down. Nothing is too small or too big.
4. Have fun! Enjoy how you become better at receiving, and how as you do this, your Soul is able to give you more.
And, most miraculously, see how as you receive more, your ability to give, is absolutely expanded.
PS If you’d like to explore the possibility of receiving private spiritual coaching around your career click here and schedule a private Breakthrough Session. My 2019 schedule is already open. This session is free for applicants who qualify.
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