Shining your light when you’re feeling down, tired, or even angry is possible and healing, not only for those who are receiving your love, but for you as well. A healing Soul meditation is included.
Receive From Your Soul So You Can Give (March 18, 2020)
You’re here as a beacon of light for others. During these times of stress, fear and even panic you’re being called to step up and be a heart-centered leader in a deeper way than ever before. However, you must tend to yourself FIRST so you can help from a place of peace and love and NOT from a space of fear & scarcity. In today’s Soul time you’ll RECEIVE from your Soul as she clears and resets your nervous system.
Don’t Postpone Sharing Your Medicine (March 17, 2020)
If you catch yourself saying that you need to put off sharing your gifts until things are more stable, know that this is your ego speaking. Your Soul knows that NOW is the time.
What Thought is Creating Pain About Your Career? (March 12, 2020)
In today’s Interrupter Ritual you’ll receive guidance about ONE thought that is creating blocks or stagnation in your career. Remember, your Soul is the wisest career coach and she’s here to help you accomplish your Divine mission. Blessings!