The last five days have been a time of deep initiation for me.
As, is often the case, the initiation came by surprise.
I had many plans–classes to teach, travel preparations to finalize, clients to coach. But then my voice left me. My body was weak. My breathing challenged.
It isn’t any definable disease.
It’s just a set of challenging symptoms that have all caused me to STOP.
I’ve had respiratory illnesses in the past.
Specifically, there was a three year cycle starting in 2012– when I was starting to write my first book, Answering Your Inner Calling–when I was hit with pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis all wrapped into one lovely, recurring illness.
Before then I had considered myself pretty healthy, but then all of a sudden, my lungs had issues.
It was incredibly frustrating and overwhelming.
I was also an amazingly transformative time.
That recurring illness was what fully initiated me into what became one of my core teachings, Slowing down to speed up.
When you can’t breathe well, you HAVE to literally slow down.
I had to move slow. Walk slow. Talk slowly.
Up to that point I was a multitasking machine.
I pushed and hustled and worked very hard.
It’s what I needed to do throughout much of my youth to overcome my circumstances.
And I still believed this was the only way to accomplish big things. So, when I was hit with recurring breathing issues that made it impossible for me to hustle I was incredibly confused.
I knew my Soul was guiding me to write my book and grow my business, all while tending to my five growing children.
But every time I got better, I’d try to speed up again, only to get sick again.
I spent a lot of time pleading with my Soul to heal my disease so I could speed up and get to work.
And then my Soul would lovingly respond that, nope, the instruction was to actually slow down to speed up.
It was infuriating.
I had to go through that cycle through what seemed like hundreds of times before I finally got it!
Now, this many years later, after coaching so many clients through this same lesson, I believe in it more than ever.
I’ve seen the miraculous results that happen when we start to trust this Soul wisdom.
Still, I would be lying if I said I welcomed this unexpected slowing down at what appears to be the worst time.
I was upset.
I argued with my Soul that this was the absolutely worst time for me to slow down.
My Soul lovingly smiled and let me have all my feelings, all the while repeating, Slow down to speed up my dear.
So that’s what I did.
I’ve worked through many illnesses but having no voice really gave me no option (how clever of my Soul).
In the past five days of not speaking I’ve really come to love and appreciate the ability to speak.
As I’ve attempted to sleep in the couch (to keep my head propped up at night) my Soul has had so much access to me during the many hours where I can’t sleep.
Once I let go of my attachment to my plans (which were really good ones I argued with my Soul) I started to receive so much more guidance.
I started to understand this was a time of sacred preparation.
And that my Soul was privy to a Divine plan that my intellect could ever understand.
This is what I do know:
I’m preparing to serve at a higher level.
I’m preparing to speak more clearly and boldly.
I’m preparing for my upcoming pilgrimage.
Most of all, as Mother Mary keeps reminding me, I’m preparing to LOVE more.
And that is what the world needs.
So, my dears, if you’re being guided to slow down.
You’re not alone. Have the courage to heed this Soul guidance.
We’re actually in great company as so many way-showers are being initiated in this same way for the great work to come.
Remember, you’re here as a gift to the world.
All is well.
PS I’d love to help you! Click here to schedule your free 45-60 minute consultation. Once your application is submitted, I will email you to schedule your consultation. Please note, that I’m currently scheduling for July and beyond, so if this calls to your heart, don’t hesitate.
Below from the Lisa vault! Click the button below to listen to an audio blog I shared about Slowing Down to Speed Up, 6 years ago (to listen download free Soundcloud app on Smart phone, or on your PC)