I started to berate myself for not being where I thought I should be with my book, and I worried that I would never get it all done. As you may know, when we feel like this, it is easy to go on a downward spiral of negativity. And because this book means so much to me, and feels like such an expression of who I am, it is easy for me to get sucked into insecurities and doubts.
At some point I remembered that my book is about connecting with our Soul for answers so I followed my own advice and sought the wise guidance of my Soul. Because I knew I had so many parts that were nervous and scared, and hence, clouded my ability to hear my Soul I didn’t just ask and sit and wait to hear a message (although that can work at times too). First, I sent my fearful parts compassion. I know it’s often not easy to do this, but I have discovered that if we can just imagine that we are feeling self- compassion, that can be enough to start an inner shift. In my mind I told these parts that I understood why they were scared and I visualized myself sending them love and complete acceptance. I also journaled to get more clarity.
I then realized I needed to do something physical to release some of the angst that seemed lodged into my joints. So I played a favorite song of mine (“Mother I’m Alive” by Hot as Sun in case you’re wondering), made sure I had privacy, and then set the intention that I would “dance out” the worry and fear that was in my cells. So I jumped, and shook my arms and legs, and moved my hips and visualized all of the fear dripping out of me (of course making sure I was alone). I know it sounds silly but this practice is incredibly powerful.
Finally, I created a vision board (which you can see if you go to my Facebook page where I write about it). Of course, I did all these things in spurts because I was also cleaning and cooking, and all those things that take our time, but we were also snowed in so there were no errands to run. By the end of the day I had much clarity. I realized that my Soul was guiding me to let go of fixed ideas I had of how this book was to be birthed. I also recognized that there was a divine plan that was making it all happen in the perfect time. And that I would be guided as to when to take action and when to wait.
As you can see shifting my energy took effort. Not a pushing sort of effort but a soulful type of effort where I took the time and invested the energy to follow my inner guidance. The truth is there is a discipline that is necessary when we are on this path of following our Soul. Parts of us get get scared as we move forward with our hearts’ guidance and that is to be expected. I have learned that an inner commitment to our Soul is necessary or true transformation will not occur. It did take time to meditate, journal and do all those things that helped me to tap into my truth. But, even though, at times I grumbled about it, ultimately I trusted that this would create the shift I needed.
That evening I received an email from the graphic designer I am working with showing me a beautiful draft of my book cover. It felt like a wonderful validation from the Universe that all was well (and I now have the final cover, yay!).
Love and light!
Lisa Follow-Up:
If you are feeling stuck with a creative project I invite you to take some time to tap into your Soul for guidance. Perhaps one of the practices I shared above–meditation, prayer, journaling, dancing, creating a vision board– can help. I encourage you to give yourself permission to create the time you need to do this. The results with undoubtedly be worth the effort.