Many indigenous cultures refer to people’s unique gifts and talents as their medicine. In this sense, medicine is anything that heals and uplifts. Each of you has your own unique medicine that brings healing to the world. This medicine comes from your Soul and can only be expressed and shared by you.
Your medicine might be the music that you play, or the words that you write. Or perhaps your medicine is the way you listen to others without judgement. It may be your creative spark that births wonderful products that benefit others. The amazing thing is that the medicine that you provide is unique, nobody else has it, and it is meant to be shared. When you share your medicine the world is healed AND you are healed. Conversely, when you don’t share it, the world misses out, and you lose as well.
Part of my medicine is to help others to uncover, remember and share their unique medicine as it is expressed through the work they do. Having done this for many years I have learned that your medicine evolves as you evolve. For example, my medicine expressed itself in my career as a 7th grade teacher. As I grew spiritually I was led to leave that role, and I began my training as a life coach and energy healer.
Everything I had learned in my nearly ten years as a middle school teacher greatly influenced my new role as life coach and energy healer. As I continued to evolve I was led to teach workshops, and lead retreats alongside my individual sessions. I then was guided to write my book, Answering Your Inner Calling. As you see, my medicine continues to evolve as I evolve. Now, my Soul is guiding me share my medicine through public speaking.
My Soul has been preparing me for this for a long time. When I was a little girl I would imagine that I was standing on a stage giving a speech and everyone was so happy to hear me. Back then I didn’t understand how this would ever happen because, first, I had no idea what I would be talking about, and second, I was incredibly shy, and public speaking terrified me. I understand now that my shyness isn’t relevant. Yes, I have moments of utter panic as I get ready to do a talk. But I have learned that part of my medicine is expressed through the words I speak, and when I do this I am at home and at peace because I am aligned with my Soul.
What is your medicine?
Below is some guidance on how you can uncover the answer.
If this blog post resonated with you, I encourage you to take some time to ask your Soul the questions that are below. Remember, when you ask your Soul questions, the answers may not come right away. They often comes at a later time, and may show up through direct or indirect guidance (for more information on these concepts see chapter 4 of my book, Answering Your Inner Calling)
Before you begin make sure you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes. You may want to play some soothing music in the background, light a candle, or anything else that helps you enter a sacred space. Also, have a journal and pen nearby in case you want to write anything down. Place the palms of your hands on your heart center and let your Soul know that you are seeking its guidance. You can say something like this:
Beautiful Soul I know that you love me unconditionally and that you are always leading me in the direction of my Divine life’s purpose. I am seeking your guidance now. I trust that it will come at the perfect time and in the perfect way. I love you.
- How have I shared my medicine in the past?
- What is my medicine now?
- Where is my medicine needed?
- Is there anything I need to release so that I can share my medicine more fully?
- Is there anything I need to embrace so that I can share my medicine more fully?
I always love hearing your reactions to my blogs. Feel free to email me directly or post on Facebook.
I hope you can make it on Sunday to my special presentation at SoderWorld Wellness Academy & Spa,where I will be talking more about this topic.
Blessings and love everyone!