I attended my first temazcal (sweat lodge) of 2024 a few days ago.
This was a different one than the ones I had attended last year with a simpler construction, humbly built by a wise medicine woman–and yet, in many ways, more powerful.
I had a lot of resistance to going, mostly revolving around not having the time to attend because I had so many other “more important” things to do.
But, every time I decided I’d pass on this opportunity, my Soul would keep nudging me to go.
So, despite, my grumblings I went. It ended up being an almost 4-hour journey.
As I laid on the earth inside the lodge, with fresh flowers surrounding me, and the scent of chamomile filling my senses, I started quite naturally to sink deep within myself.
In this relaxed state, I recognized that there were cords to a past, toxic relationship pulling me away from my peace and personal power.
I was surprised because this is an experience I’ve spent many years healing, and yet, here was another layer coming up for release.
I heard the Sacred Grandmothers, who reside in the temazcal, telling me that I was rising up to another layer of my personal power, sovereignty and Divine service.
These old energies were coming up to try and stop me from that next level of liberation because that’s what they’re programed to do.
The Sacred Grandmothers reminded me that this is a normal process of rising up.
This explained the lethargy and heavy energy that I’d been feeling.
This dark, pressing energy wasn’t mine. I called on Ascended Master, Kuan Yin to help me access compassion as I commanded this energy to go.
As I received this healing, I recalled how many times I’ve helped my clients clear these past saboteurs.
I’ve learned that learning to clear these energies is part of the training our Soul has set up for us so that we can continue to share our Soul’s medicine in more loving and courageous ways.
So, my dear, if you’re feeling the past coming up, as you bravely take the steps to continue rising up, know that this is normal.
Remember, that you’re not alone.
Your Soul is your guide on how to heal this. She will lead you to the right information, books, resources and people who are here as your allies.
All you have to do is pause, receive from your Soul and take the action she’s guiding you to take, even if it feels like you don’t have time to do it.
As I shared earlier, I was worried that the temazcal would take too much time and in one sense it did.