Your Soul loves you unconditionally and knows the details of your life’s purpose. Your life purpose encompasses many things, however, here I am focusing on that aspect that relates to your Divine mission–that work that will bring you great joy and fulfillment and only you can do.
Your Soul wants to lead you, step-by-step to this next evolution of your life’s work and wants that journey to flow with ease and love. But your Soul understands that in order for you to have the work that–not only serves the world, but makes you happy and provides for your needs–you must feel worthy of having it.
Because of this, your Soul will guide you to heal old wounds that create limiting beliefs. For instance, beliefs that you are flawed, that you must suffer, that you must remain small and not speak your truth, that you must not be too successful and on and on. Those beliefs, which are often unconscious, will cause you to keep attracting experiences that validate them.
This is why, when you feel the longing to answer your inner calling, often the first thing that needs to happen, is that you need to look at what beliefs need to be released, updated and evolved.
One way to do this is to take an inner journey* to find those parts of you that are holding these outdated beliefs. In my book, Answering Your Inner Calling, I dedicate a chapter on this topic. From my own healing journey, and from my experiences helping others with this, I know that it can be tempting to skip this type of deep healing and throughout our life we often do ignore, dismiss or put off this inner work.
But there comes a time when you realize… well, you realize, IT’S TIME. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one, or you’ve faced a frightening illness or you’ve lost your job and somehow going through that crisis has cleared the fog of busyness so you can finally hear your inner world calling you.
I find that the women and men that are drawn to my work are at that moment of clarity. They realize their Soul has been patiently preparing them for this inner work. This is a wonderful, powerful time. Yes, it can feel unsettling, and at times, even downright painful, but the authentic joy, love and empowerment that is created when you heal from the inside-out makes this journey more than worth it.
And this is what makes you ready to receive the work that is meant for you.