This week’s full moon was quite powerful. It was a time for celebrating all you’ve created in your career since the last NEW moon AND a time to get clear on any unnecessary baggage you’re carrying in your career. Your Soul is always guiding you to lighten your load because the less burdened you are the more open you are to receiving your Soul’s medicine and sharing it. And right now it’s ESSENTIAL that you keep sharing your beautiful light so that you can be a source of peace for the world. The full moon is a potent time for RELEASING the unnecessary and this energy of clearing extends all the way to the next new moon. Think of the this phase of the moon as a big, beautiful light that is shining over your career helping you to notice all the wonderful blessings AND also those things that are weighing your career down. What are some of those things? Below are some examples. Is your Soul guiding you to release: 1. Professional connections that are no longer aligned with your vision 2. Personal relationships that you’ve outgrown and are distracting you from your Soul’s purpose 3. Old career dreams and intentions that no longer call to you 4. Outdated marketing materials that don’t accurately represent you 5. Beliefs about what it means to be successful in your career 6. Trauma from childhood, or even past lives, where you were shamed or hurt for sharing your gifts 7. Wounds about your gifts not being valuable or important Perhaps one or more of the above resonate with you.Or maybe for you its something different. Whatever it is, remember that you can ride the energy of the full moon, from now until the next NEW moon ( March 24th) to RELEASE these burdens and make space for more grace and abundance in your life. The short video below will help you get clarity on this! Blessings, Lisa |