In a few days this year will be over and I’ve been spending the last few days (really this whole month) reflecting on 2014 with all of its blessings, and loss. Realizing that both, the good, and what we might call the “bad”, ultimately have brought me a more open heart, and that is always a good thing.
If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to take some time and reflect on this passing year I find that I am much more ready to welcome the new year when I have taken the time to do this.
For me this means, actually writing down a list of the blessings, lessons learned, special events, big and small miracles, shifts, surprises, and loss that happened throughout the year. I then say a prayer of thanksgiving and ask Spirit to help me fully accept what I am meant to take with me to the new year and let go of what I am meant to release.
Once January 1st arrives I use some of my oracle cards and pick a few asking Spirit to use the cards to bring me some important insights on the focus and theme of this new year.
This is, of course, what my Soul guides me to do. Your Soul might guide you to end this year in a completely different way. The important thing is that you ask your Soul how to best use these last few days in December in a way that brings clarity and closure and then commit to following that guidance. Enjoy these last few days of 2014!
Blessings and love!
PS. I am excited about the classes I’ll be teaching in 2015. Check them out below. AND stay tuned for a sneak preview of the introduction to my upcoming book.