The first month of the year has passed. And today is February 1st, Imbolc, in the Celtic tradition. This is a day that is often connected to the fiery Goddess Bridget, who helps us connect with our true heart’s passions. This is a perfect time to recommit to your Soul’s calling. So let’s do that.
First, check-in with yourself.
Are you still feeling the excitement of the new year or have you gotten sidetracked from your intentions?
However you are feeling I want to help you recommit to your Soul’s calling right now.
Yes, it doesn’t need to take a long time. Just stop, take a cleansing breath, bring your palms over your heart and breathe into that space. From deep within your heart ask your beautiful Soul, your true essence, to bless you, and fill you with it’s grace and unconditional love. If you feel guided to invite Bridget’s loving energy you do so now (you can look at the image of Bridget above for inspiration, taken from Doreen Virtue’s, Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards).
And, now, most importantly, let yourself receive.
It might sound funny for me to remind you to “let yourself receive” but truly many people have forgotten how to receive, especially those of you who feel a deep yearning to help others. You might even carry old beliefs about it being selfish to receive. The truth is that receiving is just as sacred as giving. The receiving I am referring to is not about entitlement. It’s about allowing yourself to let kindness, caring, and grace into your being so that you can share it with others from a place of fullness and not depletion.
If you’re feeling on track with your New Year’s intentions, wonderful, ask your Soul to keep sending you guidance so you can keep taking steps forward. If you’re feeling somewhat scattered or downright lost, ask your Soul, first, for its reassurance that you can easily get back on your path. Then let yourself receive your Soul’s compassion. Take a few moments to just receive the energy of compassion. It’s OK to use your imagination as you do this. Finally ask your Soul for its guidance.
At this point it’s important to let go of any need to receive the answers you are seeking. That sounds paradoxical, I know. But what tends to happen when you ask your Soul for guidance is that a part of you is so eager to hear the answer, or so scared that you’ll miss the answer, or maybe even frightened that you will hear an answer that you don’t want to hear– that you end up blocking your intuition.
Because of this I have found that it’s important to know that you probably won’t get the answers right when you ask (although the more you check-in with your Soul the easier it will be to receive answers), most likely the guidance will come later when you are in the midst of doing some mundane activity or through synchronicity or in your dreams.
So right now all you are doing is stopping, connecting with your Soul and receiving from your Soul. That’s it. That’s enough. That will put you back on course.
Love and blessings!