These first days of the year I’ve been trying to stay alert to my Soul’s guidance on how to best set the tone for the year. I’ve decluttered and organized. I’ve continued with my daily meditations, and self-reiki. And I’ve been waiting for my 2017 word to arrive (I explain this practice in my last blog, Thanking 2016 for the Lessons and Choosing Your Word for 2017, read here).
I admit, that I had a sense of what my word might be, but I kept resisting it because I didn’t want that word. But yesterday morning during my meditation practice I told the Universe,
“Ok I’m ready. I will trust that whatever word you send me will be the word.” As I listened within, there it was again, the word “acceptance”. Ugh.
This word scared me. It felt like defeat. Like I was being told to accept things as they were, even if I didn’t like them. Acceptance felt like a prison. Of course, I knew that there was another, more spiritually wise way to look at the quality of acceptance, but I still didn’t want it as my word for the year.
But I remembered that the word chooses me so I prayed,
“Please Spirit if you want my 2017 word to be “acceptance” send me a really clear sign.”
A few minutes later, having forgotten about my request for a sign I decided to pull an oracle card from my brand new deck by Alana Fairchild , The Crystal Mandala Oracle (a lovely Christmas present from Greg this year). I shuffled the 54 cards not really sure why I was pulling a card, except that I had felt compelled to do so, and when I turned over the card that popped out, yes, you guessed it, I got “Acceptance”. I didn’t even know there was a card in the deck with that word on it. But as I sat there on my meditation cushion looking at the beautiful card I had to laugh knowing that here was my clear sign. “Acceptance” had chosen me.
Once I, well, accepted that my word was “acceptance” I started to relax. I let the word talk to me. I saw how acceptance wasn’t about defeat. But it was about non-resistance, about not-closing up to my experiences, whether I judged them as positive or negative. As I sat with this I realized that acceptance is a prerequisite to evolving, healing and growth.
For example, I often go through bouts of intense anxiety. When this happens I use all of my tools, reiki, meditation, prayer, natural supplements, and acupuncture to name a few. But sometimes none of those things help. I feel heavy anxiety in my stomach seemingly unrelated to any external event, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. This might last a few days or sometimes even weeks. I try to resist the anxiety, and wonder what I’m doing wrong. Did I eat the wrong thing? Is it my hormones? Am I picking up the anxiety of the world? I question endlessly and try to figure it out. I try to fix it. And then one day the anxiety lifts without me knowing exactly what made it better.
As these anxiety phases continue to come and go I am slowly learning that when I stop resisting them I open to something beautiful. Something that feels like grace. I am not suggesting that as soon as I accept my anxiety it magically goes away, or that acceptance means not taking action. But I do know that when I accept the anxiety my heart opens. I feel deep compassion for everyone in the world who is feeling anxiety. I feel tender, and more open to Spirit. There is a sense of trust that, “this too shall pass”. And, not only that it will pass, but that somehow, in ways I can’t fully comprehend, this anxiety is bringing me a sacred gift.
Below is a beautiful prayer from the oracle deck I mentioned above, that talks about the gift of acceptance.
“Thank you for the divine healing gift of acceptance. I am freed from despair, bitterness, anger and fear. I am allowed to accept what is, and in that acceptance, the Divine shows me the best possible way through. I trust myself and I trust life. I accept the gift of my life in all its mystery. The love in my heart shines through now, bringing relief of acceptance into my body mind and soul.”
That prayer brought me so much clarity about the quality of acceptance and I was so grateful for the Universe sending me this sign.
Happy New Year everyone!
May your word help guide your Spiritual unfolding and creative endeavors this year.
Listen to audio version of blog
If you’ve chosen your word spend some time listening to it. First, create a sacred space, for example, by saying a prayer, or lighting a candle. Then place the palms of your hands at your heart center (center of your chest) and breathe into this space.
Ask your word the following questions. You can have a journal ready to write down whatever guidance your receive. However, remember to relax about receiving any answers right at this moment. Trust that if the answers don’t come now they will come at the perfect time. For now just focus on asking your word these questions. Visualize your word standing in front of you and ask:
- Why did you choose me?
- What do you want me to know?
- How will you help me this year?
- How can I help you?
- How can I connect with you more deeply?
Listen to audio of follow up