Excerpt from letter written to me on December 31, 2019
Dearest Lisa,
Stay focused. You are doing such a wonderful job! Remember you have so many gifts to share with the world. Your new book turned out beautifully and flowed with so much more ease than the first. The most important thing for you to remember about your goals is to take it one step at a time. Everyday when you begin your work day, just ask yourself, “What is my goal?” and focus on that.
When you catch yourself doubting yourself, just know that’s all normal, use all the tools you share with your clients–reiki, parts work, dance, mantra, law of attraction, inner journeys– to align with me.
You’ve got this! Also, know that you are going to meet some amazing people that will help take your work out to an even wider audience.
So much love,
Your future self
That is just a short excerpt from the letter my future self wrote to me. Yes, I connected with the me that I am becoming. The me that will be fully blossomed come December 31st of this year, and I asked her to give me advice about how to reach my goals, and so she did.
You can do the same. Instead of chasing your goals, let them come to you, by aligning with the you, that in truth, already exists. By now, you have probably chosen a few goals. Perhaps you want to be healthier, or increase your income, or evolve your career. You have your goals and you understand that it will require action to reach them. This is true.
However, that alone will not ensure that you will meet those goals. The most important thing is to align with the future you that has already achieved those goals. I know this might not sound logical but it is wise and incredibly effective.
When you allow yourself to align with your future self, you access your inner resources in powerful ways. Your brain thinks better thoughts. And because time isn’t linear this is not just a practice in imagination, you are actually aligning with the you, that you are becoming. Don’t get too caught up in trying to understand it. That is just another way your ego will try to distract you. Instead practice this and experience the results.
In the women’s retreat I led last week, I guided the women who attended in various practices that aligned them with their future self. One of them is this, that I just shared with you, of having their future self write a letter of advice to them. This is simple and powerful and I truly invite you to do the same.
We also played a game called “future pulling”. Now i didn’t invent this game. I’m pretty sure it originated from one of Jerry and Esther Hicks’, amazing books on manifesting.
Future pulling is easy, although a bit strange when you first begin. Ideally you have at least two friends that are willing to play this with you. You can have more than two friends but you don;t want to make it to big of group.
“Future Pulling” Steps:
- Name your goal. Share with two trusted friends ONE goal you want to manifest in 2019. Let’s say you are working on expanding your Reiki practice and want more clients in 2019. Let your friends know this goal, and share a FEW details so they get a clear picture. Please note, keep this simple, just share a few details. For example, you might tell them, “I want more Reiki clients in 2019, that receive so many blessings from my sessions and I love working with. And because I have more clients I have more financial security.”
- “Good gossip”-Your two friends now have a conversation with each other about you, as if you were not there. In this conversation, they are sharing all the amazing things you’ve done connected to the goal you shared with them.This is totally improvised. It’s like you’re eavesdropping on a uplifting gossip session about you. For example, their conversation may go like this:
“Have you seen Rachel lately? OMG her Reiki business has just taken off. She started with just a handful of clients but they loved her so much that the word started to spread. And she started that Reiki blog, that got her so much attention because people just loved reading her simple, loving guidance. And then that one client who was a writer, wrote that short piece about her work in the local paper and news about her business started spreading like wildfire. I think she’s thinking of expanding to a larger space to accommodate the growth.”
3. Take it all in. Just let yourself hear this conversation. If you want to, you can record the session on your phone so you can hear it later. The amazing thing is that when your two friends are talking about you, they are going to intuitively come up with ideas that you might not have even thought of. And, most importantly, this aligns you with your future self that has already achieved this goal.
4. Switch roles. Take turns so that everyone gets to be the listener and the “gossiper”.
5. Debrief. Once everyone is done playing each role, take some time to share with each other how this experience was for you. It’s normal, to feel a bit odd, the first time you do this. No worries. Just stick to it. The more you do it, the easier, more joyful and powerful it becomes.
Now it’s your turn!
Be courageous and play these little games and see that they are powerful.
Back when I was still a middle school teacher, I was introduced to these little games parts of me thought they were silly and a waste of time. But I was also tired of working so hard to achieve my goals. Frankly, I didn’t know if I could keep up the pace. I knew there had to be a better way.
So, even though, these games made no sense to me at the time, I tried them. And very soon I understood their transformative power. At first they just made me feel good and that was huge. But then I also saw that they actually created change in my life. Thing came to me easier, resources, experiences, synchronicity. It was really a miracle.
So I can’t wait to see how this goes for you.
PS. My February workshop will be all about these little manifesting games. I’d love for you to join me. See flyer below.
PSS. If you’d prefer to talk to me in private about how I can help you schedule a free Breakthrough Session. Click here to read how.
Audio version of blog below: