Your Fearless Inner Child is the little master within. She is the one who has the faith and trust to move mountains and is an intricate part of the healing of the world.
Join me from September 21st – 29th for this free 9-day journey that will take your Divine leadership to the next level. It will take place on Facebook Live daily. On each of the 9 days I’ll share a special teaching. We’ll also sit together in silence for 9 minutes. A short oracle card reading will also be included.
I’d love for you to join me. Each day will also be posted below, on this page, if you’re unable to join us live.
Invitation to Priestess Novena
Day 1: Earth Star chakra blesses your inner child
In today’s transmission I share a short teaching about the Earth Star chakra, Reiki and an oracle card reading. We also sit in silence for 9 minutes for quantum healing.
Day 2: Root chakra inner child healing
In today’s transmission, travel to your root chakra to heal your relationship with your body and help your inner child feel safe to be seen and heard. Mother Mary’s healing energy adds a divine releasing for quantum healing. We also sit in 9 minutes of silence for deeper Soul connection. A short oracle card reading is included.
Day 3: Enhance your creativity and magnetism
Connecting with your fearless inner child allows you to express your creativity without censoring or stifling yourself. Your sacral chakra is where you can access that feeling of emotional safety to create without limit. An inner journey, 9-minute silent mediation & oracle reading is included in this transmission.
Day 4: Taking Quantum Action with Your Inner Child
The journey to share your Soul’s medicine is more like a marathon not a sprint. This means Divine pacing is essential. Healing inner child solar plexus chakra imbalances helps you take efficient, focused, heart-led action so you can create miraculous momentum in your career. A 9-minute stillness meditation and oracle reading is included.
Day 5: Stepping Into Your Heart’s Power
Your heart is meant to be a source of light and healing for yourself and others. When you heal your inner child’s heart you become an unstoppable force of healing for the world. A 9-minute stillness meditation and an oracle card reading is included.
Day 6: You are a Truth Teller
What is your message? What are you here to teach? Your inner child holds the answers. In today’s transmission receive a teaching and healing so you can speak your truth with clarity and love. A 9-minute stillness meditation and an oracle card reading is included.
Day 7: Seeing Through the Illusion
Your healed inner child sees through the illusion and confusion into the real world of love and wisdom. This transmission included a third eye healing to activate your inner child’s holy inner vision so you can bring your creations into form. A 9-minute stillness meditation and an oracle card reading is included.
Day 8: Healing Your Thoughts
Today’s transmission is all about healing your inner child’s thoughts and mental programming that affect your confidence, and self-worth. Special emphasis is placed on crown chakra clearing. A 9-minute stillness mediation and an oracle card reading is included.
Day 9: Your Inner Child Beacon of Light
Healing your inner child is the spiritual maturity the world needs. In this final novena transmission heal your inner child’s Soul Star chakra so you can receive Divine downloads and help birth a new world. A 9-minute stillness mediation and an oracle card reading is included.