In numerology, the study of the metaphysical significance of numbers, 2016 is a year nine*, and the number nine is all about endings, so it isn’t surprising that so many cycles ended for me this year.
For example, earlier this year I finished my book, Answering Your Inner Calling. This was a culmination of a long cycle of learning, gathering, and then creating. I am still in the process of integrating the birth of my book as I step out of my comfort level and share my teachings with new audiences.
Another ending happened just a few days ago when we sold our former house. As we prepared to sell that house, and sorted through everything we still had stored in the attic, I found long-forgotten pictures of my children, and looked through hundreds of pictures of myself in my former career as a middle school teacher.
That process of sorting through stored things in the attic gave me the opportunity to reflect on all of the blessings of those years AND to release any of the burdens, and outdated beliefs that I still carried from that time.
Finishing my book and selling our former house are just two examples of some of the endings that have come this year for me.
Now 2017, is on its way and that is a year one. Year ones are all about beginnings, independence, and change. 2017 is in effect the start of a new nine year cycle, and it offers you the opportunity to use the power of your intention to decide what you want to create in this new cycle.
In this next year your Soul will bring you an abundance of opportunities to step out of what’s familiar and boldly shine your light. It will be a year where all of the experiences you’ve had in the past nine years will become wisdom, if you let them, and you will be called to share that wisdom with others in your own unique way.
This will require you to commit to your Soul and to heal old patterns of self-sabotage such as overworking, having poor boundaries with others, chronic self-doubt and lack of self-care. Fortunately, your Soul and spirit guides will send you an abundance of help and support with this. But you have to allow yourself to receive it. You have to stay awake, and present enough to notice when the help arrives.
There are about 70 days left until the new year. In these last days of the year it is important that you create stillness in your life so you can reflect on all of the learning of this year (the past 9 years really) and to prepare yourself to birth the new in 2017. Unfortunately, these final months of the year can easily become a blur of activity.
Don’t allow that to happen. Take back your power. You get to decide how you want these last months to be. As you prepare for the holiday season recognize how the sacredness of these upcoming holidays are in part meant to catapult your relationship to your Soul to new levels. This coming season is meant to be a time of deep Soul connection not of feeling scattereded and overwhelmed.
Right now, stop, take some cleansing breaths and bring the palms of your hands over your heart. Let yourself receive your Soul’s love and ask your Soul the questions I’ve included below. You can also watch the short video I recorded to accompany this blog. Remember it’s ok if you don’t receive answers right now. Your Soul always answers you but it may come at a later time or through synchronicity or other indirect guidance (see Answering Your Inner Calling chapter 4):
- How do I get closer to you in these last days of 2016?
- What do I need to release to prepare for what I am to birth in 2017?
- What are you preparing me to birth in 2017?
*You get this by adding the individual digits in the year. So 2016 is 2+0+1+6+9. Then 2017 is 2+0+1+7=10 which then gets further reduced to 1+0=1