Ahh! Endings and beginnings. They can be so melancholy and, at the same time, beautiful. Bittersweet, for sure.
I have been teaching a weekly Reiki & Meditation class at Beverly Yoga Center for almost seven years. Teaching that weekly class has been such a blessing in my life. When I began, back in 2012, I had only been out of the classroom, teaching 7th grade in CPS, for a little over two years. I was still figuring out what this new career I was embarking on looked like. I was excited, but also scared and unsure of my path.
And having the opportunity to teach in a yoga studio, especially one so aligned with my energy, was a gift. It allowed me to evolve and create. In Beverly Yoga Center, I developed and grew my unique way of teaching meditation. I created my Reiki for Wellness Professionals training. I met amazing, wonderful people. I even had my book launch there, back when, Answering Your Inner Calling, first came out in 2016. It was, in many ways, a sacred lab for me.
Now, I have been out of the CPS classroom for over nine years. Almost the same time I was a 7th grade teacher!
Once again, I am evolving. I am in the midst of writing my next book, Birthing the Priestess Within: 3 Process for Reclaiming Your Ability to Heal Yourself & Bring Healing to the World.
Writing a book, at least for me, is quite an emotional, and reflective experience. It opens me up, and requires me to be in such integrity with my Soul. Meaning that I have to be very clear on how I spend my time. To make sure I say “Yes”, and “No” based on my Soul’s wisdom, not on my fears.
As I planned for 2019 and asked my Soul for guidance, I realized, that teaching a weekly class was making it hard for me to keep expanding. I recognized that I need more flexibility in my weeks, so that I could keep serving in the best way that I can. So I made the bittersweet decision to end my weekly Reiki & Meditation class.
To be clear, I will still be teaching throughout Chicago and in the Beverly community, leading workshops, meditation classes, reiki trainings, retreats and many other exciting things (please make sure to keep up with my newsltter so you can hear all about those). And occasionally throughout the year I will even teach some classes at Beverly Yoga. But the weekly Reiki & Meditation class, that I will not be doing anymore.
I know that having this spaciousness in my weeks will allow me to hear my Soul more clearly, and be more available to teach and serve. At the same time, of course, I am grieving the end of this weekly ritual.
In my life, I’ve had a lot of endings that were Soul directed. Times when I’ve had to say goodbye to relationships, work spaces, ways of being, because my Soul was clear that I needed to let them go, in order for me to keep evolving, and help MORE people.
By now, I have learned to trust my Soul in these matters, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not sad to say good-bye, or that I don’t feel some fear about this ending.
But that’s exactly how it feels when you follow your Soul. You know you’re on the right path, when you feel that combination of joy and fear. Joy, because you are so excited about what is coming next, and fear, because it’s the unknown and our ego hates the unknown.
So my dears, for all of you who ever came to my weekly Meditation & Reiki class at BYC, thank you. Thank you for your support, for your love, for your encouragement.
I am sending you such deep gratitude. And I look forward to connecting in all the different ways that I will be available for you in 2019.
Listen to audio version of blog:
Schedule for Final Meditation & Reiki Classes