This summer:
The kids are home from school.
We are finally doing some much needed home repairs.
Family is visiting from out of town.
We’re doing a lot of travel.
There are so many fun family outings.
As summer has been approaching these are all reasons I have heard women give to justify postponing focusing on their desires. By desires I mean their Soul’s callings. Those things that their Soul has been guiding them to do, sometimes for quite some time. I say this without judgment, because I find that I’m often telling myself similar things.
For example, rolling around in my head these last few weeks, I’ve been telling myself things like:
Once September gets here I’ll upgrade my meditation practice.
When the kids all go back to school I’ll really focus on entering my book in more book competitions.
Once I have more time to myself (aka the fall) I’ll reach out to some of those new speaking venues people suggested.
I’ll start exploring how to do the audio version of my book in September when things calm down.
Once the fall is here I’ll go back to my regular acupuncture and other self/care appointments.
Phew! It is amazing how much that sense of “putting ourselves on hold” comes up in the summer.
To be clear, I know there is a reality, that yes, in the summer there are many fun, and sometimes not so fun, family activities that can take a lot of your time.
However, because of this you are meant to be even MORE mindful not LESS of creating Soul time for yourself.
Your Soul doesn’t go on hibernation in the summer.
It is still with you loving you, gently (or not so gently) reminding you that your most important responsibility is cultivating your relationship with your Soul. That when you align with your Soul you are the most loving, authentic, powerful version of yourself that there can be. And that this benefits everyone in your life.
Furthermore, your Soul reminds you that you have a unique way to help the world, your very own Soul medicine that brings healing in a way that no one else can. However, your Soul’s medicine can grow stagnant if you let it fester inside with no way to be expressed.
This stagnation, not only harms you (causing feelings of restlessness, or downright emotional or physical pain), but it deprives everyone who is meant to benefit from what only you can offer.
So how do you ensure that when September comes you are feeling grateful for all of the family time, and house repair time, and travel time you had.
AND you’re so proud of yourself for ensuring that you also had much needed Soul time, so, that now that fall is here, you’re not using the first month to recuperate from the hectic summer?
The truth is, you each have different lives so I can’t give you a “one size fits all” plan. Nor, would I want to.
However, I can tell you that the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do is to set the intention that this summer will be your summer of Soul time.
It’s that simple and that radical. Your intention is the most powerful thing. Everything else follows your clear, non-apologetic intention. I have seen this with my clients and in my own life. Nothing changes if your intention is not there. And everything changes, evolves, and transforms once your intention is clear.
One last thing. Be open to how your Soul guides you to do this. Your Soul knows you, and knows your life. It is efficient and doesn’t want to add complications to your life. This means that creating Soul time will be, in fact, simpler than you might think.
Of course, simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. It might mean having honest conversations with family members, or asking for what you want in ways you haven’t before, or saying no to some requests.
As you do this some people might get upset (mostly because somewhere inside they are longing for Soul time too) but that’s ok.
The benefits of prioritizing your Soul will far outweigh any temporary discomfort. Trust me. I have seen this hundreds of times with my clients and in my own life.
Are you ready?
ps My answering Your Inner Calling Studio is one way you can stay focused on your Soul this summer. Read more here.
Listen to audio version of blog
Follow Up:
If you’re ready to make this your summer of Soul here’s a simple process for setting that in motion.
Create some sacred space. This can be as simple as imagining a circle of light around you, or you can play some beautiful music, light a candle, hold a crystal, or whatever feels sacred to you.
Now bring the palms of your hands over your heart center, take some nice cleansing breaths, ground yourself by visualizing beautiful mother earth underneath your feet and say something like this:
This summer I commit to my Soul.
This summer I commit to you my beautiful Soul.
This summer I honor my Soul’s desires.
This summer I honor your desires beautiful Soul.
I am open to receive all of the support from my Divine helpers, and earth helpers with this intention.
I know that when I honor you, my Soul, I am the most loving, authentic, powerful version of myself and this benefits everyone in my life.
Thank you. Amen and So it is.
Listen to audio version of the follow-up to blog.