As you come to the final days of 2017 you have an opportunity to release what you have outgrown and no longer serves you. You might be releasing burdens, old beliefs, and trauma from this year or you might be releasing things that you’ve been carrying for a longer time, maybe even from different lifetimes. Sometimes you’re releasing things that aren’t even yours. if you’re really sensitive you might be carrying other peoples burdens, other people’s wounds.
When you let go of this baggage you can enter 2018 open, and ready for the new. Ready to express your light in a deeper, and more profound way. Instead of beginning the year feeling cluttered and confused about your path.
There are various ways to release these burdens: talk therapy, Reiki, yoga, acupuncture, journaling, being in nature, are just a few examples of what can help. But the most important element, the essential thing is your intention and willingness to release what you don’t want to carry with you into the New Year.
Ask yourself,
Am I ready for new patterns?
Am I ready for relationships that honor my true self?
Am I ready for a career that brings me joy and fulfillment?
Am I ready for abundance?
Most importantly, am I ready to say yes to my Soul’s calling?
If you feel ready, even if you’re scared, then give the Universe the green light by declaring that you are ready to release the baggage. You can declare this by simply affirming it clearly in your heart, or you can create an external ritual to symbolize your intention. For example, setting up an altar, throwing a rock that represents your burdens into a lake, or going to a sacred space and declaring your intention there.
The details are not as important as your clear intention and willingness. When you do this Spirit listens and will send you the resources you need to release these old burdens. That means that you might run across a book that is really informational and helpful that will help you release these burdens, or someone will come into your life that has a skill that will help you release what needs to be released, and sometimes things just get released spontaneously and there is no actual work that we need to do.
So my dears, are you ready? My thoughts are that if you’re reading this, then yes, you are ready. Some parts of you might have doubts but that is fine, in fact, it’s normal. Whenever you are following your Soul’s guidance you’re exited your joyful, and yes there is also a feeling of nervousness and maybe even fear. That is because when you’re growing, when you’re evolving it is uncomfortable but that doesn’t’ mean that you’re not ready.
Have courage, stay awake these last days of 2017 and release, release, release. Once you release you will be able to receive the gifts your Soul has for you AND this means that you will be able to give in a more powerful way.
And you know that our world, our planet, your community, the people around you, are in need of your light, of your Souls medicine, nobody else has what you have to give.
Blessings and love,
Audio version of blog
Follow-Up Meditation
First, create some sacred space. This can be as simple as imagining a circle of light around you, or you can play some beautiful music, light a candle, hold a crystal, or whatever feels sacred to you. You may want to have a journal with you. Remember that your Soul wants to help you and will give you the guidance you are seeking. So trust that it will come at the right time, which may be now or at a later moment.
Now listen to meditation below.