I talk a lot about sharing your Soul’s medicine.
Your Soul’s medicine is what I call your unique gifts, talents, & life experiences, that create a powerful healing energy. You are meant to share this healing energy with the world. It is special to you. Nobody else has your Soul’s medicine.
Also, your medicine is not just about what you do. In fact, it’s much more about your presence. So, yes, you share your Soul’s medicine in your career, but you also take it with you wherever you go–hanging out with your family, in the grocery store, taking a walk. All of those are instances where you are radiating your medicine out to the world.
To be clear, this is not about over-working, or rescuing. In fact, sharing your medicine is meant to feel fulfilling and joyful. If it doesn’t, then something is off balance. You’ve either gotten sucked into into rescuer mode, or you’re trying to help in a way that truly isn’t your medicine.
When you’re off balance you may feel depleted, resentful and creatively stuck. This is when you can ask your medicine to tend to you.
Yes! Your Soul’s medicine is not just medicine for the world. It is, in fact, primarily medicine for you. But we often forget, or don’t even know that we can receive healing from our own medicine.
When you allow yourself to receive from your own medicine, not only do you feel better, your medicine actually expands. It becomes more potent, because you have connected with it, in this beautiful way.
So, my dears, I invite you to take a few minutes, create a sacred space and listen to the short meditation below. Let your medicine tend to you. See how you can be blessed and be a blessing.
PS. If you feel ready to evolve your career by following your Soul’s guidance and would love to have a mentor click here to schedule a free Breakthrough Session with me.
Listen to 10-Minute Meditation