This past Friday I received the first copy of my book (you can see a video of it below). I cried tears of joy and relief as I looked at it for the first time. The reality that I am done with my book is still sinking in. I actually will forget that my book is done, and then I see it, and I am amazed all over again.
I’ve been reflecting a lot on this journey of completing my book. There were so many challenges and blessings along the way. One of the essential lessons that I had to learn was, as one of my teachers puts it, “the art of doing less and creating more.”
When I committed to writing my book I knew I had to learn to say no to many wonderful, exciting opportunities that were coming my way, so I could focus on my book. I had to create a schedule that allowed space in my days so I could write. I basically had to heal the addiction I had to doing, multitasking, and being busy.
This was incredibly hard because, for the most part, our society validates us for doing as much as we can. There is a sort of bonding that happens when we talk about how busy we are, and how we lack time to create. And we can feel guilty when we admit that we are cutting back on activities so we can follow our heart’s desires, forgetting that when we follow our heart it always brings blessings to others.
This was a very hard lesson for me to learn. And I know that my Soul helped me out by sending me some pretty intense illnesses that forced me to slow down. This was the only way I finally listened.
Many of you might have a longing to create, whether it is to write a book, create a new career, or transform an existing one. Often the first step in making this happen is for you to start saying no to requests from others. In this way you will start to have space in your day to listen to your Soul and follow its guidance.
I don’t mean to dismiss the reality that there are people in your life that need your help. But remember that if your Soul is guiding you to create, it will provide the means to do it. Your Soul loves you unconditionally and is nor cruelly putting desires in your heart that you could never actually achieve. However, you do need to take the first step and connect with your Soul.
Right now I invite you to pause. Bring your hands to your heart and ask your Soul,
“What is one simple step that I can take towards creating my heart desires? ”
It’s fine, by the way, if you don’t consciously know (yet) what your heart desires. Trust that your Soul knows and it can guide you to what will bring you joy and fulfillment and will bless the world.