I feel that my whole life has been one of remembering who I am, and these past seven years I have been especially intentional about this process of awakening. Along the way I realized that part of my life’s work is to help other lightworkers wake up, and fully get back on mission with their life’s purpose.
A month ago I was guided in my meditation practice to create a monthly gathering of lightworkers to channel healing light to each other and to the planet. To be completely honest, I wasn’t sure what that would look like, but I was sure that I was meant to do this.
As I contemplated beginning this lightworkers group, I came up with all sorts of reasons to wait a few months before starting. I told myself that I needed to read more books about lightworkers, that I should attend other lightworker groups before starting my own, and even that I needed to paint the kitchen yellow to represent the solar plexus chakra before I could begin hosting these gatherings. None of these were bad ideas, but each time I prayed I kept getting the same messages: Start now. Trust that it will unfold in the right way. And most importantly, Remember that Spirit is in charge of this and my attempts at making it a “perfect” gathering where coming from fear, not love.
I understood that this was giving me a chance to fully practice what I teach to my clients and students. For instance, when I teach reiki energy healing, many of my students are eager to enhance their skills as reiki practitioners. I remember feeling the same way when I first received my training. They want to know what books to read, what other classes to take, and so on. After recommending several resources I remind them that one of the most important things they can do to develop as reiki practitioners is to practice.
But often my students are afraid to practice, as I was when I first began. Their fear convinces them that they need to wait until they read more, until they take more classes, until they have figured themselves out so they can be “pure enough” to help others. Of course, I recognize that some of these might be legitimate needs that require their attention, but I also know that this “waiting until…” thinking often comes from fear and can leave them stuck for a long time. I’ve also come to understand that, increasingly, Spirit is asking us to begin today, to trust that everything we carry inside, the beautiful and the painful, can be used to heal and uplift the world.
So I followed my own guidance and began my lightworkers group even though I didn’t have it all figured out. Six lovely people came to my home. Together we meditated and opened ourselves up for energy to come through us–for each other’s healing and the world’s. It was a wonderful beginning, and we felt uplifted and excited about the possibilities for our group. Most importantly for me, I truly felt Spirit’s gratitude that I had trusted its guidance and allowed myself to let go of control and turn it over to the Divine.
Follow Up:
Is there anything you have been putting off until the time is just right? I invite you to take some time to check within and see if you are being guided to release control and begin.