You’ve crossed the threshold into the new year! Yay!
You may be feeling the energy of frenzied action all around you, and you may start to wonder if you’re falling behind in your career and your creative projects.
But I’m here to remind you that you’re exactly where you need to be.
January is the month of SLOWING DOWN TO SPEED UP.
The essence of this teaching is that a sense of urgency comes from your ego not from your Soul.
A feeling that you’re running out of time, so you have no time to rest, to come into stillness, to mediate is all the egoic structure. And it often leads to unnecessary action and efforting.
This type of frenzied action can be very seductive because it feels like you’re getting a lot done.
However, it actually distracts you from taking the steps your Soul really wants you to focus on.
For example, working on your writing, reaching out to potential clients, planning that class you’ve been putting off, working on your art work, getting in front of the camera and leading a class. Those are just some examples.
These steps, that come from your Soul and create a lot of momentum, but you might put off, out of fear and insecurity, are what I call Golden Action steps. These are the keys to sustained success and growth in your career. They are also what will take your leadership to the next level this year.
Leadership when aligned with your Soul is all about service. And to be clear, I’m not talking about being a martyr, but about service that blesses you in the process.
So remember, SLOW down to SPEED up. SLOW down to SPEED up.
I’m excited for this new year. I can feel the expansion in my leadership and it is my joy and great honor to help you with yours.
This month’s events are all about helping you set a strong foundation for this year.
No rushing, no sense of urgency, but slow, steady. purposeful, quantum leap action.
If this resonates, I’d love for you to join me this month and the upcoming months for all of the wonderful events and gatherings I have planned.
Remember, nobody else has your Soul’s medicine and the world needs it now more than ever.
Happy New Year!
PS. I’ll be sending out my newsletter with January events tomorrow. You can also click HERE to see them now.