Yes, it’s ok to be sad.
Or angry.
Or anxious.
I don’t mean that you should stay stuck there.
Although sometimes, I know, it may feel as if you will always feel sad, mad, or upset.
Don’t get me wrong, being positive is definitely an important part of your spiritual journey.
When you’re committed to evolving your career–which is absolutely a spiritual journey that requires a lot of courage– it is important to have a daily practice of focusing on the positive and celebrating your successes.
And, it is equally important, to learn how to cultivate positive feelings so that you can become magnetic to the work you are meant to do, the clients you’re meant to serve, and the students you’re meant to teach.
However, there is no bypassing the fact that part of this journey also includes difficult emotions.
And resisting these “dark emotions’ as they’ve been called, or worse judging yourself for feeling them, is what causes suffering and stagnation. Please read that sentence again.
The very act of pushing those feeling away, not only ensures that they will come back, but it actually disrupts your ability to move forward with ease and grace on the path of evolving your career.
For example, I often see clients who are feeling discouraged because their healing practice doesn’t have as many clients as they’d like (yet).
Or they’re dealing with personal grief, that isn’t directly connected to their career, but makes it hard for them to focus on their work.
As they share their feelings with me, the most common tone is frustration with themselves. My clients, who are such loving people with others, don’t understand why they can’t just get over their bad feelings.
My clients want to stay positive. They worry that feeling bad is affecting their vibration and attracting negativity in their life.
They may even feel shame for feeling sad, or upset or discouraged.
Most of all, they fear that feeling bad means they are going backwards, and they want me to help them get rid of these feelings.
But there’s no way to skip these emotions. And because they hired me as their coach, I lovingly remind them that it is ok to feel sad, that sometimes feeling a “negative” emotion is an appropriate response.
I also explain that feeling these difficult emotions will only negatively affect their vibration if they resit and judge them.
In reality, when you allow those sad feelings to just be, and meet them with love, they eventually flow and heal. And this actually raises your vibration. It makes you more magnetic.
Of course, it’s important that you have a trusted person to talk to, and in my clients’ case I am one of those people in their life.
But the important thing to remember is that ultimately the healing comes from within you, from your beautiful Soul.
So, my dears, next time you feel bad, don’t beat yourself up for that. Acknowledge your feelings, and let your Soul love those parts of you that are hurting.
As you do this you are expanding your Soul’s medicine because you are embodying more of your Soul’s light.
Let me explain. As you allow your Soul to fill you up with love and love those parts you are hurting, you expand because you are receiving more light. This means you are becoming a more powerful healing presence in the world.
Think about how amazing that is.
Just by loving yourself you can heal the world.
And, by the way, loving yourself, is the most important thing you can do to evolve your career.
I have seen it in my own life. I’ve seen it hundreds of times in the lives of my clients.
That is a miracle.
Alright. You’ve got this. I have so much faith in you.
PS. If you’d like to meet with me privately, to talk about how I can help you stay aligned with your Soul to evolve the work you do, I would love to connect. Schedule a free Breakthrough Session here.
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