It is so important, but often times, hard to do, to embrace your bigness, your wholeness, your light, even as you notice your wounds. Yes, you still see the pain you carry, and you stay committed to healing it, but a the same time you are practicing connecting with the healed you.
This is harder than it seems. It is so much easier to focus on your hurts, on those areas that you feel need “fixing”. And, certainly, there are phases in our lives, where our Soul is very much guiding us through a deep dive into those places that feel broken.
But, again, it is essential, even then, maybe especially then, to pause, and take time to breathe in all of the healing you have already done. Doing this will allow you to start to take up more space in your life, and know that it is safe to be seen.
This past week I was in Back Mountain, NC and I had a energy healing session with my wonderful priestess shaman healer, Marianne Mitchell. I have been seeing her twice a year in the mountains of North Carolina for about 8 years.
As I was on the Reiki table, doing deep work, I braced myself for whatever other layer of pain was going to come up.
But instead my Soul and my spirit guides showed me my bigness.
Yes, I also saw a stream of wounds that I still carry.
But my Soul was clear in telling me that I was so much bigger than my wounds. That it was time to embrace my wholeness, to take up space, to be big and be seen. And that this needed to be a daily practice.
My Soul reminded me that I would be tempted to focus on the wounds, but that my next evolution was to use the power of my focus to truly embody the healed me.
This doesn’t mean I will exile my hurt parts. I still love them, and, take time to process what I need to process.
But now every morning I am letting my Soul take root inside of me. I am making space for the wholeness of my Soul so that I can embody my Soul as I walk the world.
This is your invitation as well. It is time to embody your Soul. To embrace how much healing you have already done. To be big, take up space and be seen.
The Facebook Live below talks a little bit more about this and includes a powerful mediation to help you begin the daily work of connecting with the healed you.
Think how blessed the world will be as you walk through your life embodying your beautiful Soul. The time is now.
Your students, clients, people you are meant to help, are waiting for you.
PS. If you’d like to meet with me privately, to talk about how I can help you stay aligned with your Soul to evolve the work you do, I would love to connect. If your Soul is guiding you to do this, have the courage to say yes. Schedule a free Breakthrough Session here.
Watch Video with meditation to embody your Soul