The simplest and most powerful way that I can explain Reiki is that it is the energy of unconditional love. When you do Reiki you are not actually doing anything. Instead you are channeling Reiki. You are a conduit for this beautiful energy to flow to any part that need healing. All of the learning, the evolution you have done in your life expands your ability to channel this powerful and gentle energy.
When I do Reiki on myself I am in essence bathing my wounds, burdens, traumas, and limiting beliefs in unconditional love so they are no longer blocks to aligning with my Soul.
One of the most transformative things about Reiki is that it helps you have better relationships with your Soul which in turn leads to authentic and loving relationships with your loved ones.
What does this look like? Let me share an example of how Reiki helped me be a better mom this summer.
When the summer comes I get very excited about spending time with my kids. They are getting older (next year we’ll have four in college, yikes!) and I want to make sure I don’t miss any opportunities to connect when they are all home.
However, because they are older, with many different interests and schedules this is easier said than done. So I spent a lot of my weeks this summer trying to find ways to connect with my kids. If I heard one of my daughter go downstairs for lunch I would join her (even though I already had lunch) so we could talk.
If my other daughter needed a ride I would do it (even though this often was a last minute thing that interrupted something I was really planing on doing) so I could get a chance to catch up with her.
If my 17 year old son wanted to watch a movie that I was not that interested in (nature survival stories are not my thing) I agreed to watch it with him so we could have some bonding time.
And so on and so on. With five kids this is a never ending story. And the truth is that these did lead to many wonderful moments of connection.
But slowly, but surely, I started feeling scattered. My own creative and business projects began to suffer. I was still meditating every day. I was even getting some of my Interrupter rituals (see blog post Slowing Down To Speed Up to read about Interrupter rituals)in but I wasn’t truly using them as times to receive from my Soul. They were more like band-aids on my increasingly depleted energy.
And then RESENTMENT started to creep in. Fortunately, I have progressed enough in my spiritual journey to know that resentment is a big neon sign that I am neglecting my Soul. So I stopped and set aside time to do self-reiki.
My favorite way to do self-reiki is laying in bed, so I lay on my bed, and noticed where I felt the most sensation. In this case it was at my chest. My heart felt heavy. So I put my palms over my heart and let the reiki flow. I wasn’t trying to analyze, fix ,or even understand anything at this point. I just knew my heart needed unconditional love.
One of the biggest gifts of Reiki is that it teaches you how to receive. So that now eight years after my first Reiki training I’ve learned to just receive without needing to figure out anything.
Soon tears started to stream down my face. I could feel something opening up. In my mind’s eye I saw myself as a young mom fourteen years ago. At that time I felt so much shame and guilt over my recent divorce. And I was in so much pain that, due to the divorce, I was not able to be with my kids every day. So when my kids were with me I felt a sense of urgency about making up for lost time.
As I continued to do Reiki on myself I saw how that old wound had gotten triggered this summer, bringing back that feeling of urgency about spending as much time as possible with my kids. I continued to let the Reiki flow to this young part of me that held this wound.
I wasn’t trying to fix. I was just letting Reiki do what it does best–love unconditionally. As the Reiki flowed into this wound I could feel my hear expanding. I saw images of my kids and how much they know they are loved. I saw that I could release control and trust that God would create those times for us to connect in an organic and natural way.
I also felt my own longing to connect with my Soul and spend time on my interests, my passions and gifts. The resentment had just been letting me know that I wasn’t prioritizing my Soul time.
That probably took about 20 minutes. The healing wasn’t completely done. Later I used more of my tools to continue the healing work. But that self-reiki session led to immediate transformation. I suddenly saw my time with my kids in a much different way. I felt the energy of abundance about time instead of panic. I reconnected with my own creativity and interests. Later that day when my sons were hungry they made their own lunch and joyfully ate by themselves. They were happy. I was happy and I felt genuinely closer to my kids.
And I learned again that following my Soul is the best thing I can do for my kids.
By helping me to transform old wounds Reiki helped me to access my Soul so I could be a better mom.
I thanked the Reiki and I thanked Spirit for the gift of Reiki.
My own trust in the healing effects of Reiki have come largely through my work with my clients. The vast majority of my clients have taken the reiki training with me and I have watched with amazement how much self-reiki helps them transform old wounds (often wounds that they have carried for years) into blessings.
I will be having a Reiki information workshop on Sunday, September 18th at Beverly Yoga Center. Three of my Reiki graduates will be with me helping me do Reiki on all participants. Read all the details below. I’d love for you to join me.