Imagine yourself on the last day of the year. Yes, close your eyes, and see yourself on December 31st. Perhaps it’s early morning before everyone else has gotten up. Or anytime during the day when you have a few minutes to yourself.
There you are, sitting, let’s say you’re sipping a cup of tea, and you’re thinking back, not only on the last few months, but on the whole year that is about to end.
How do you want to feel in that moment?
Not, how you have felt in past years, but how do you want to feel this year on the last day?
And, even more importantly, how can you IMPRESS yourself this December 31st?
Really sit with that question for a few moments.
How can you impress yourself, in the way that you help others? In your career?
And even more courageous, how can you impress yourself in the way you tend to yourself? For you know that when you prioritize your self-care then you can share your Soul’s medicine more deeply.
This is NOT about doing more work, or hustling.
This is a Soulful question.
This is asking yourself what would make you feel so good about yourself on the last day of the year.
I’ve been asking my clients this question. And, of course, I’ve been pondering it myself.
The key to really letting this be a transformative reflection is to invite your Soul to lead this questioning. In other words, you are asking your Soul to show you an image of yourself on December 31st, where you are feeling so impressed with yourself.
What does being impressed with yourself feel like to you?
For me, impressing myself means that on the last day of the year I feel very present, as opposed to scattered.
I feel grateful, as opposed to resentful, because I’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before mine.
And I feel trusting that I am being led by my Soul, as opposed to worried about how to make certain things happen.
It means that on December 31st, I look back on the last few months and I am impressed at how I’ve been consistent with my self-care throughout the holiday season, something that I have often not been able to do in the past.
It means that I am proud of all the ways I shared of myself with others this year, ways that stretched me, and made me feel vulnerable at times.
And it means that on that last day of the year, I already have certain offerings in place for 2019, ways that I will be sharing my Soul’s medicine with others, as well as self-care appointments in place.
Similarly, my clients have shared how they could impress themselves on December 31st. They’ve talked about, among other things: staying mindful about their eating during the holidays, about staying focused on their writing projects, about planning workshops for 2019, about decluttering their home, and about staying consistent with their meditation practice.
So my dear, now it’s your turn.
Take some time today, or this week, to be with your Soul and ask Her to show you an image of you on December 31st.
See yourself so impressed with yourself.
Take note of how you feel and of what you are happy you accomplished. Then take some time to write these things down.
These are sacred messages from your Soul.
Once you have these down, make a practical plan to make them happen. Again, remember this is not about doing more and about making longer to-do list. This is about being focused and consistent. And about being disciplined, as in disciple to your Soul, so that come December 31st, you feel so good about the year that is ending, and so excited about the year that is beginning.
Remember, if your Soul led you to these insights, She will also provide the means for you to do them. However, your willingness is required.
Alright my dear, I am sending you the energy of courage, and self-love.
And I am eager to see how you impress yourself this December 31st, for remember the world needs your light to be seen bright and clear and that requires you to stay aligned with your Soul.
PS If you’d like to explore the possibility of receiving private spiritual coaching around your career click here and schedule a private Breakthrough Session. My 2019 schedule is already open. This session is free for applicants who qualify.
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