It’s the seventh month. We’re over half way through the year! Although it might feel premature to think about the end of 2017 this is actually a perfect time to do so.
Your mind might want to focus on what career goals you want to achieve by the end of this year. But instead I invite you to just think about how you want to feel about your life’s work at the end of 2017.
This can be harder than it sounds. You might not be used to asking yourself how you want to feel. But your feelings are powerful magnets of manifestation. They are the essence of the forms you want to create. So focusing, with intention, on how you want to feel is actually one of the most powerful things you can do.
Sometimes it’s actually easier to name how you DON’T want. For example, you might know that when you’re doing your life’s work you DON’T want to feel scattered, stressed, disconnected, and unmotivated.
Now you can use these qualities as a way to discover how you DO want to feel. For instance, you might decide that when you are immersed in your work you want to feel present, focused, fulfilled, and inspired.
Once you have identified how you DO want to feel you can come back to the present moment and decide what simple steps and/or practices you need to put in place now so you feel that way by the end of 2017.
When I asked myself these questions I discovered that when immersed in my work I want to feel relaxed, abundant, divinely feminine and in communion (with my Soul, my body, my family, nature, Spirit, my clients).
This made me realize that right now I needed to make sure I honored the time I set aside for my work. I don’t mean the time I see clients (I know I’ll do that), but the time I carve out to for the other aspects of my business, like ensuring I have alone time to plan, writing my newsletters, networking with possible speaking venues, and, of course, tending to my finances. Basically the things that keep my business moving forward and are so easy to let go of in the summer.
But my Soul was clear that if by the end of 2017 I want to feel relaxed, abundant, divinely feminine, and in communion I need to honor my business now. This actually doesn’t require as much time as it seems, but it does require me to set boundaries, ask for what I need, and to often make the conscious decision to let my family take care of themselves so I can tend to my lovely business.
So my dears, when you think about your life’s work, how do you want to feel when the end of this year comes around?
Take some time in the next few days to ask your Soul this question and then use whatever guidance you receive to take some simple steps this summer to make it happen.
Listen to audio version of blog
First, create some sacred space. This can be as simple as imagining a circle of light around you, or you can play some beautiful music, light a candle, hold a crystal, or whatever feels sacred to you.
Now bring the palms of your hands over your heart center and take some nice cleansing breaths. Then ground yourself by visualizing beautiful mother earth underneath your feet and say something like this:
Beautiful Soul,
Show me a vision of my life’s work at the end of this year 2017.
Who is in my life?
What is there more of in my life?
What is there less of in my life?
What am I so satisfied with?
How does this feel?
What simple steps can I take now to get there?
You might want to have a journal with you as you ask your Soul these questions. Then just let yourself receive. It’s OK if at first it seems like you don’t receive any guidance. The most important thing is for you to ask your Soul these questions with clear intention, and then trust that you will receive the guidance at the right time. Often the guidance shows up when you are not actively seeking it, like when you’re in the shower, or driving. Remember that your Soul wants to help you and will give you the guidance you are seeking.
Listen to audio version of follow-up