It seems illogical, doesn’t it? That pausing every day to engage in ritual, can actually create more time in your day.
And it’s true. It is illogical. But your Soul doesn’t operate in the field of logic. Your Soul operates beyond time in the, much more refined, space of love and wisdom.
At the same time, your Soul understands your needs in this earth reality. In other words, your Soul does not want to make it harder for you to achieve your life’s purpose. In fact, your Soul wants you to widen your reach, to evolve your career so you can achieve what you came here to do.
This is why, taking time, EVERY DAY to engage in a Soul-connection ritual is essential. By ritual, I mean time set aside to connect with your Soul and with God/Goddess to receive. I refer to these daily rituals as “Interrupter rituals” in my book, Answering Your Inner Calling.
Rituals connect you with, what many spiritual traditions call, “kairos” time, as opposed to the linear time we tend to operate in, which is referred to as “chronos” time. Kairos time is powerful and healing. Chronos time isn’t bad, it allows you to operate in the earth plane and to track your progress, but can also feel limiting and finite, which, of course, it is.
Your Soul, being beyond time, operates in kairos time AND knows that when you engage in ritual with your Soul, you enter this magical time too. And amazingly connecting with kairos time actually creates more chronos time! Yes, doing these rituals will give you MORE TIME IN YOUR DAY! This is one of those spiritual truths that are hard to understand intellectually, but I have experienced countless times, and so have my clients.
For example, one of my clients, Caira, was a busy working mom. When she started seeing me, she felt she hardly had time to breathe, let alone create ritual in her life. But she desperately wanted Soul time, and was longing to evolve a career which wasn’t feeling satisfactory to her anymore.
As we worked together, she slowly started integrating little rituals throughout her day. She kept it simple, and just focused on doing self-reiki for 5-10 minutes, twice a day. Caira still worried that this was going to take precious time from her, already full, day, but she was also so discouraged with the stagnation in her career that she was willing to try anything, especially since working harder wasn’t achieving anything, other than burning her out.
The first benefit Caira noticed, was that doing these little rituals was giving her more energy, which in turn made her more efficient. Meaning, she was able to accomplish more in less time. That felt good and motivated her to keep doing them.
At some point, however, she became aware of the real magic of these rituals, when she started noticing how often things she thought she had to do, just miraculous got taken off her plate. For instance, her husband would surprisingly bring dinner, something that was very unlike him. A friend would offer to pick her kids up from school. Or a work project she was dreading was handed to someone else, giving her more time to focus on work she really wanted to do. Caira saw first hand, how as she committed to these daily rituals, her Soul was providing more chronos time in all sorts of wonderful, unexpected ways.
Now, you might say, that this would’ve happened anyway, whether she had been doing these rituals or not. In the beginning, when I started to observe these “time miracles” in my life I would wonder the same thing.
Were they really connected to these daily rituals?
Maybe it was just coincidence, my intellectual part would argue.
But I noticed time and again, that when I started neglecting my daily rituals, soon enough I was back in a frenzied state. And instead of unexpected help showing up, unexpected extra work came. Ugh! I’ve seen this same pattern hundreds of times with my clients as well. By now I’ve observed this phenomenon enough times, that I am a firm believer in the magic of ritual.
So my dear, I invite you to do a little experiment. Commit to doing daily rituals at least twice a day for 21 consecutive days. They should be short and simple (5-10 minutes). The intention of these rituals is to connect with your Soul in magical kairos time.
As I shared above, my client did self-reiki as her daily ritual. Others, do guided imagery. Or go outside in nature and connect with the earth. Or simply visualize sitting with their Soul as it infuses them with light. The possibilities are endless. You decide, but remember to make it enjoyable. Remember the intention is to receive from your Soul and from God/Goddess.
I guarantee you that you wont regret it, and you might even end up loving it.
And you will see how suddenly there are pockets of time that didn’t seem to be there before.
And slowly but surely, your Soul will lead you to your evolution of your career and your life.
Many blessings,
PS If you’d like to explore the possibility of receiving private coaching around your career click here and schedule a private Breakthrough Session. This is free for applicants who qualify.
PSS. Look for an invitation in my newsletter next week to join me for a beautiful ritual, my October novena to the Divine Mother.
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