We’re halfway through the year! Oh my goodness, I know it’s heard to believe.
Summer solstice is in a few days, bringing the energy of abundance, radiance, and joyfully taking action.
But, before you can receive the abundance you’ve been manifesting, and before you begin joyfully planning the second half of the year, it is essential that you reflect, release, and recommit.
This means acknowledging all of the growth you’ve done, so far, this year, and recommitting to fulfilling the mission you came here to accomplish.
Remember, you have a unique Soul’s medicine, an inner calling to create, to heal, and to support the planet in ways that will transform the world.
However, it is easy to forget about your mission, or to be sidetracked by other people’s needs. Before you know it another year has passed, and things are the same.
But not this year.
If you’re reading this, your Soul led you here. She is offering you an invitation to pause, and make sure you’re on the right path.
So, my dear, think back to the beginning of the year.
What career, or life’s work, goals did you set back in January?
Do you need to tweak those goals now?
That is normal.
Back in the beginning of the year, you weren’t aware of all that would transpire these first six months.
Now, that we’re halfway through the year, you can look at those goals you set back in January, and re-evaluate.
Most likely some of the goals you set are still very relevant, and you will continue to take steps towards those goals. But others might need adjusting. Trust your Soul to help you get clarity on this.
Then take some time to reflect on the questions below.
This is NOT about judging yourself.
This reflection is meant to be done with your Soul, which means lots of self-love, compassion and celebration.
Yes, your Soul is constantly celebrating you. It is only your ego that judges.
Let’s begin. Set aside some time for yourself and answer the following.
So far this year,
- How have you evolved your career or work life?
- What have you learned about yourself? About your Soul’s medicine?
- What has been difficult?
- What courageous steps have you taken to share more of your light?
- What have you healed?
- What are you still in the process of healing?
- What have you let go of?
Now, thinking about the next 6 months,
- What are three goals you have for your career?
- What do you want more of? Less of?
- What are you ready to share with others even if it scares you?
- What support do you need in place to achieve your career goals?
And, drum roll, the most important question:
- How do you want to feel on the last day of 2019?
That is a magical question because your feelings are the fuel that will guide your steps, so it’s essential that you get clear on how you want to feel. I’ll be writing more about this in upcoming blogs.
Yay! You did it.
You took time to reflect and recommit, and now you can receive all that your Soul has to give you.
Remember, nobody else has your Soul’s medicine.
You are so important.
You are so needed.
I have so much faith in you.
And I am so grateful for your gifts and presence.
PS. If you’d like to connect with me privately, to talk about how I can help you stay aligned with your Soul to evolve the work you do, I would love to talk. Read how you can schedule a free Breakthrough Session here. Session can be done in person or via phone/Skype.
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