July 2nd, is the official half-way mark of the year!
Whatever has unfolded for you so far–the beautiful, the challenging and everything in between– it’s all meant to become part of the loving contribution you offer the world.
This means, every experience becomes part of your Soul’s medicine.
Or not.
Remember, you have the free will choice to look at your past through your ego’s eyes or through your Soul’s. Through your ego’s perspective, it’s easy to look at the first six months through a lens of lack and deficiency: all the ways you’re not far enough ahead, the incomplete projects, the so-called mistakes, and so on.
When you reflect in this way, it’s very hard, if not impossible, to truly integrate your experiences and garner the pearls of wisdom that they brought.
But your Soul has a higher perspective.
Not because it’s naive but because it is WISE.
Your Soul can cut through the ego’s limited view and help you understand why certain thing unfolded they way they did, and the healing that each experience initiated for you and others.
Furthermore, your Soul helps you celebrate how far you’ve come and this acknowledgement of your progress is INVALUABLE FUEL for your ongoing journey.
So, my dear, I invite you to take a moment with your Soul by your side and reflect on this first half of the year.
If you need help, below are some prompts you can use. Please don’t get overwhelmed, just use the prompts that call to you.
Beautiful Soul, these first six months of the year:
* What was hard for me? What became easier?
* What stretched me past my comfort zone?
* What did I create?
* How did I share/expand/nurture my Soul’s medicine?
* What was my biggest contribution to myself? To others?
* What were my most important lessons?
* Where was I courageous?
* What did I let go of?
* What ended?
* What new experiences/habits/relationships entered my life?
* How did I love myself more?
NOTE: If you start to notice, self-judgment as you do this reflection, it means the ego has sneaked in. If this happens, just pause, recenter and invite your Soul back in. You’ve got this my dear!
Later this week, I’ll share some prompts to help you set intentions for this second half of 2024, but make sure to do this reflection first, so you can be ready to step into the NEW energy of the next six months.