Years ago, I felt the fear of rejection quite intensely. I had just started teaching meditation at a local yoga studio.
I was teaching in my own style, which integrated Reiki, inner journeys, mantras and movement.
I’m sure I wasn’t the first teacher to include similar elements, but still it was my way of doing it.
It felt very personal, like an extension of me. It was, in essence, part of my Soul’s medicine even if I didn’t understand that at the time.
One of my fears was that no one would show up to my class. I imagined the embarrassment I’d feel as students attending the other classes saw that my room was empty.
My second fear was that people would show up and question my style of teaching meditation.
I had frightening visions of students probing me about my training and so-called expertise.
At the core of both of these scenarios was the fear of feeling rejected. If no one showed up to my class, I’d interpret that to mean that nobody valued my offerings, my expertise, ME.
If students questioned my teaching style, I’d make that mean that I didn’t know what I was doing. That something was wrong with my teaching methods and with ME.
In both instances, I’d feel a sense of intense rejection and I HATED that feeling.
Fortunately, my beloved coach at the time helped me process these fears. I also leaned on my daily mediation practice to help me keep showing up despite my fears.
Fifteen years into my coaching career, I realize that this same fear is one of the most common ones I help my clients heal so that they can continue sharing their Soul’s medicine with authenticity and courage.
Maybe you resonate with this as well.
Your Soul might be guiding you to share a post on social media.
Or teach a new workshop.
Or integrate a new modality into your healing sessions.
But you find yourself putting it off, week after week. Maybe even year after year.
If this is the case, be brave, and notice if the fear of feeling rejection is stopping you from moving forward.
Or maybe rejection isn’t the feeling that you’re avoiding.
It might be a fear of feeling disappointed, judged or overwhelmed. Remember, your Soul UNDERSTANDS these fears and is here to help you with them.
The first step is acknowledging what emotion you’ve been trying to avoid. Then bring that emotion to your Soul for healing and guidance.
(Watch Rise Up, Episode 77 for a powerful meditation that will help you with this).
Next week, I’ll be leading my third masterclass of the year.
It will be all about helping you step into Career Emotional Sovereignty.
This is the energy required so that you can COMPASSIONATELY witness and heal the uncomfortable emotions that come up AND take Soul-guided steps CONSISTENTLY.