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Mother Mary Teachings & Healing: Access the Power of Your Wisdom

You’re here to heal the Earth and this special monthly class will heal and empower this noble mission.
Join Lisa Espinosa, Modern-Day Priestess and Spiritual Career Coach, for this monthly masterclass about Priestess Leadership. Ascended Master Mother Mary will join each session to accelerate the teachings and blessings.
The theme for April is Accessing the Power of Your Wisdom.
Please note that this gathering is beyond any religious dogma or doctrine and all spiritual paths are welcome.
DATE: Thurs, April 18th
TIME: 12:00 – 1:30pm CST (Mexico City time**)
WHERE: Via Zoom
INVESTMENT: $33, recording provided
Click HERE to register
Looking forward to gathering with you!
**NOTE: Class takes place at 12:00pm CST (Mexico City time). Please confirm your local time zone.

18 April
Thursday @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


