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3-Day Soul Immersion: Pause, Receive & Take Action


Your Soul knows what you came here to create, who you came here to heal, lead and serve and the lessons you came to master.

In other words, your Soul knows your Divine mission and is here to lead you step-by-step in the fulfillment of it.

Being led by your Soul everyday is SIMPLE, but not necessarily easy.

Old programing, wounds and the everyday business of life can make it seem very complicated, if not impossible.

Join Lisa for a 3-Day Soul Immersion to learn how simple the process of being led by your Soul AND taking action is meant to be.

You will learn:

+How to take Soul PAUSES throughout the day, and how to heal whatever gets in the way of you doing this consistently.

+The process of Soul RECEIVING, what it is, what it’s not, and how to grow your ability to receive so that you can abundantly give.

+How to take Soul-led ACTION, consistently and without hustle, no matter what is happening around you

Throughout the 3-days Lisa will lead special meditations so that you can receive your Soul’s invaluable guidance.

Lisa will also be sharing a special invitation for participants who want to receive additional help.

All registrants who are not already on Lisa’s mailing list will be added.


25 September
Wednesday @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


