Alright dear ones, there are four months left in the year. If you have been following my blog, you know that 2017 is a year ONE of a NINE year cycle (Read previous blog here to learn more). This means 2017 is a foundational year. A year where many of us are revisiting old burdens, beliefs, and wounds so they are no longer blocking our Soul’s light, or our Soul’s Medicine as I like to call it.
As we enter this fall season you might notice that your Soul is guiding you to create more stillness in your life so you can reflect on the first 8 months of the year. You may ask yourself:
What have I learned?
What have I released?
What am I in the midst of uncovering?
The next eight years, if you choose, can be years where you “come out of the closet” so to speak. Where you stop hiding what you know. Where you stop putting off your own journey, until your kids are older, your house is fixed, your health is better, and so on. Where you understand that now is the time to shine because our beautiful planet earth is going through its own evolution and it needs each of us to heed the call of our Soul.
Right now, it is important to recognize that every challenging experience you have gone through is part of your divine training. All of the painful experiences can be used to open your unconditionally loving, compassionate heart. This grace filled heart is what is needed the most right now. When your heart is this open, it will bring healing to others, in whatever form of work you do.
My life’s training has included, having a painful relationship with my mother, childhood trauma, being a teenage mom, going through an incredibly contentious divorce, and more recently dealing with my daughter’s undefined, confusing illness.
To be clear all of those situations were incredibly hard (and can still be) for me. I want to be mindful here and not diminish or dismiss any of the pain that these kind experiences bring. I am not suggesting that you “just be positive” and smile. No, in order for these experiences to truly open your heart, you need to grieve, you need to have the courage to look at what happened and ask Spirit to turn it all into something beautiful.
You don’t have to analyze or overthink this. If you have painful experiences in your past, or are going through a hard initiation right now, you don’t need to figure out how to transform this into a blessings, this is beyond your ability– what is asked of you is your willingness to have the Divine transform it.
You see, these experiences can either close your heart, making you more guarded, scaring you from truly relaxing because you fear being caught off guard. Or these challenges can open you up, make you more tender, and as a result more able to receive the grace of your Soul and of the Divine.
As I was dealing with my daughter’s illness this summer I could feel my fear taking over and my heart numbing out because the pain seemed too overwhelming. And there were many moments when I did just that, when I spaced out, and disconnected because I just couldn’t get my bearings. But I also consciously chose to be willing to stay open. You see I didn’t know how to stay open but I knew I was willing, so I told Spirit something like this,
Dear God, I am willing to stay open through this uncertainty. Turn this whole painful event into something beautiful. I can feel my heart wanting to numb out. I can feel myself wanting to become cynical and bitter. But I am willing to let this be a miracle. Let this open my heart, my compassion and understanding for others. Let this opening become part of the healing I offer to the world. I love you. I love you. I love you.
I am still saying that prayer.
You can use your own words or borrow mine if they resonate with you. The important thing, is that you express your willingness to see the miracles in even the hardest of situations.
So as we come to the final months of the year prioritize your Soul time, knowing that any time you invest in your Soul now will come back to you a hundred fold.
I will be offering many opportunities for healing and release these coming months. Every workshop, every book talk, and training I do will be infused with the intention that it help prepare you for the next evolution of your life’s work.
I also still have slots left in 2017 for private Breakthrough Sessions. You can go on my website to read about them here. This private session can be a powerful way to get clarity on where you are and where you are going.
Remember it is up to you how to use this last part of the year. You can choose to be scattered and distracted or you can choose to recommit over and over to your Soul.
Choose wisely my dears.
I am sending you all my love,
Listen to audio version of blog
FOLLOW-UP- (audio version below)
First, create some sacred space. This can be as simple as imagining a circle of light around you, or you can play some beautiful music, light a candle, hold a crystal, or whatever feels sacred to you.
You might want to have a journal with you as you ask your Soul these questions. Then just let yourself receive. It’s OK if at first it seems like you don’t receive any guidance. The most important thing is for you to ask your Soul these questions with clear intention, and then trust that you will receive the guidance at the right time. Often the guidance shows up when you are not actively seeking it, like when you’re in the shower, or driving. Remember that your Soul wants to help you and will give you the guidance you are seeking.
So lets begin.
Bring the palms of your hands over your heart center and take some nice cleansing breaths. Then ground yourself by visualizing beautiful mother earth underneath your feet. You can even imagine strong roots of light going down your legs and out the bottoms of your feet deep into the earth. Then say something like this:
Beautiful Soul,
What do you want me to focus on, in these last four months of the year?
What do want me to release in these last four months of the year? How can I release that?
What do you want me to embrace in the last four months of the year?
Anything else?
Thank you!
Trust that the guidance will come to you at the right time and in the right way for you.
Blessings and love!
Listen to audio version of follow-up