The Divine Mother holds the energy of unconditional love and compassion. She is the ultimate good mother, always cheering us on, and gently or, at times, not so gently pushing us past our self-imposed limitations so we can shine our beautiful light. Throughout my life, the Divine Mother has been teaching me how to be loving and compassionate with myself and how to hold that energy for others.
A few years ago I was guided to host a special gathering in December to honor the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, one of the Divine Mother’s many forms. Many of you have attended these Lady of Guadalupe gatherings and they have always felt like such a blessed event.
This year Our Lady is guiding me to add another layer to this event by inviting, anyone who is interested, to join me in a nine day “108 Names to the Divine Mother Novena” I always do leading up to the Guadalupe gathering.
In this novena you chant 108 names of the Divine Mother, once a day, for nine consecutive days. As you chant the names you offer her beautiful flower petals to show your devotion and love. I first learned about this process in the book, Rock Your World with the Divine Mother by Sondra Ray. You can see the video at the end of this post to see how I do this process.
One hundred and eight is a sacred number. There are 108 nadis (major energy channels) in the body and it is believed that when you chant a mantra 108 times you are clearing and purifying each of these channels. This is why mala beads have 108 beads. If you’ve been reading my blogs, you probably also realize that the number 108 reduces to a number nine (see blog post, Prepare to birth the next evolution of your life’s work in 2017), which is a powerful number of completion.
These nine days become a sacred, purification time where the Divine Mother helps you to transform any blocks that are keeping you from following your Soul’s guidance. This is a deeply personal process and each person’s experience is unique to their own needs. For me this process always leads to grace, love and abundance in many forms.
Check with your Soul and see if you are guided to join me. Be aware that it is common for resistance to show up when you’re trying to decide to do this, or any other spiritual practice. Your parts might tell you that you don’t have enough time, that you’re not ready, that it’s silly, and so on. Recognize the resistance and send it compassion, and then tune into your heart to see if the Divine Mother is calling you to connect more deeply with Her and have the courage to do answer Her calling.
Please feel free to modify this process and follow a format that speaks to you. The important thing is the intention to connect with the Divine Mother, to thank her for her many blessings, and to receive her healing energy. It is also a time for you to ask Her how you can be of assistance. What is the Divine Mother asking from you in the coming year?
If you decide to join me you would be doing it in your own home, at the time that works for you. Even though we will not be in the same physical space we will be sharing a common intention for nine days and this is very powerful. You can read the details below.
108- Names to the Divine Mother 9-day Novena
- Any image of the Divine Mother that speaks to you (a statue, a candle, a picture)
- Fresh flowers that are easy to depetal ( I like to use roses and carnations)
- A bowl to hold the flower petals
- A print out of the 108 names of the Divine Mother ( I will email you this if you will be joining me)
- A pretty cloth/wrap to catch the petals that you will be offering the Divine Mother
- Pick a space in your house where you will do this. Ideally this is a space that you will be able to leave intact for the 9-days. But if this isn’t possible you can take it down each day.
- In this space put the image of the Divine Mother and to put a pretty cloth on the floor to catch the flowers you will be tossing
- Buy fresh flowers for that you will use for the 9-days. You will be removing the petals from these flowers.
- Remove the petals from several of the flowers and put the petals in a bowl.
- Sit/kneel in front of the image of the Divine Mother and connect with Her. This is a deeply personal process. You can pray a formal prayer or just speak to Her. You can place the palms of your hands over your heart as you do this to help you speak from the heart and not the intellect. Let Her know that you are committed to deepening your connection with Her. If you have a specific intention for the novena share it with the Divine Mother. Make sure you thank Her for all of the blessings in your life. And also be open to how She needs you and how you can help her.
- Now begin chanting the 108 names of the Divine Mother (I will email you a word document with the 108 names) Each time you say a name you start with the phrase, “Om I bow to you”. Then when you say the name you say “Swaha” and as you say “Swaha!” you toss a petal (s) to the image of the Divine Mother. The word, “Swaha” means I offer myself. So every time you do this you are affirming your connection to Her beautiful energy.So for example, the first name is, “Mother of the Universe”. So you would say, “Om I bow to Her, Mother of the Universe. Swaha! (tossing a petal towards her image as you do this.)
- Once you are done with the 108 Names close your session. You can say a final prayer, or just simply thank Her. Put any remaining petals in the refrigerator. Follow this same process for 9 days. At the end of the 9 days collect the petals. These petals will be infused with powerful, grace-filled energy. I save them in a special wooden box and use them throughout the year in whatever way I am guided to.
Watch the video to see more on how I do this. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.