A few nights ago I woke up from a very vivid dream. It was more than a dream, truly it was a Divine message.
I’ve had these types of dreams before throughout my life. There’s a sense of presence, detail, urgency, and staying power to them, that is unlike my ordinary dreams.
I’ve noticed that these types of messages come more often when I’m going through a big transition and/or the world is going through big changes, and challenges.
Not surprisingly, as I continue integrating my massive relocation, and as the world experiences so much tragedy and upheaval, there’s been an increase of these Divine messages lately, particularly in the last two weeks.
I admit these aren’t always welcomed by me because they often come alongside flare ups of insomnia, times when, despite being incredibly tired, sleep is particularity elusive.
If you’ve experienced this before for prolonged periods of time, you understand how incredibly frustrating and overwhelming this can feel.
I’d been in one of these, “lack of sleep” phases when a few nights ago at around 2:00am I woke up from a dream.
In it, Ascended Master Jesus was giving me an important message, really it felt more like a Divine assignment.
I admit that due to my built up of lack of sleep my first thought wasn’t, “Wow, Jesus is talking to me.”
It was more like, “Oh no, I’m awake!”
I tried desperately to go back to sleep but I was too alert. There was something I needed to remember and I couldn’t risk falling into regular sleep and forgetting all about it.
The words, white lilies, kept emanating from my lips. I love flowers, but white lilies have never been a flower I’m particularly drawn to, so I found this intriguing even as part of me still grumbled that I needed to sleep and not be thinking about lilies.
Then I remembered that right before I woke up, Jesus was showing me a vision of a huge gravesite. It wasn’t a cemetery but it was a place where many people had died.
It was dark, gray and desolate. Jesus was guiding me to place white lilies all over this site.
There was an otherworldly radiance to these lilies, and they glowed as I placed them on this land that was full of tragedy.
As I recalled the details of this message, I sat up in bed and began to pray. My prayer was really a vision of me continuing to place white lilies all over this gravesite. As I did, Jesus was there radiating a beautify holy light.
Eventually, maybe after 30 minutes, my Divine task felt complete, and I lied back down hoping I could fall back asleep.
Alas, I didn’t sleep much that night. Hours passed by, me wide awake, exhausted, cycling through the feelings of frustration, overwhelm, defeat, surrender and acceptance that often come when I’m facing another sleepless night.
When it was finally time to get up, my mind was preoccupied with figuring out how I’d get everything done with such little sleep.
I forgot about Jesus, the lilies and the grave-site. It wasn’t until I shared this dream with a client that I remembered the importance of this mystical experience.
I knew that lilies symbolized rebirth, resurrection, purity–everything that is opposite of what that grave-site represented.
I also understood that this dream wasn’t just symbolic, that there was a clear message of Divine intervention coming forth to bring miracles as the immense suffering of wars and tragedies happen in our world.
As I’ve continued to meditate on this message, I’ve come to understand that these mystical, christed lilies, as I’ve started calling them, carry the frequency of holiness and miracles.
Furthermore, that part of our Priestess (medicine woman/man, shaman, curandera, healer, you fill in the word that resonates) work entails doing this type of spiritual activism on behalf of the world.
I’m not saying that there won’t be other action steps for us to do, but we can’t let our intellect dismiss or diminish the essential nature of these mystical healing interventions. So, my dear, if you’re guided to join me, go within, call on your Soul and Ascended Master Jesus, or any other Divine being, and take an inner journey to those places that need these white lilies of grace.
Follow your own oracular messages on how else you’re meant to help the world through your own Priestess intervention.
Remember, these times, are what our life’s training have prepared for us.
You’re not alone! We’re on this Divine journey of awakening, together.