I knew that there was an underlying theme to all of these facets of my work–that I was helping people to connect with their Soul (higher self, true self, whatever feels right to you) so they could get back on track with their life purpose. But a lot of times my work could still feel scattered.
As I worked on my book I reflected on how for the vast majority of my life I’ve been on this path of self-fulfillment. I remember as a ten year old finding the self-help section at Crown Books (back when those where still around) and becoming enthralled (some would say obsessed) with that genre. Since that moment I have continued to read, take workshops, and to adopt, and modify different spiritual practices that I felt would help me tap into my true self. The past seven years especially have been an accelerated time of soul growth for me as I stepped more fully into my role as a spiritual teacher and guide.
As I’ve started to do presentations about the principles in my book I recognized an important shift that has happened in the last two years for me. It dawned on me that I had finally entered a time when listening and following the guidance of my soul was a true priority. I know, that in a way, it has been a priority for many years, but the truth is that the default setting was still my ego, as I continued to push myself to do more, to cross more things off my list and be more productive.
Yes, I meditated every day, and I prayed, and I did a lot of wonderful practices, but they were practices. They were still not a lifestyle. Two things really catapulted me to this new level of awakening. First, facing the real fear that I would lose my daughter to illness (a fear that, to be honest, can still take hold of me). And second, my body simply stopped putting up with my ego’s demands. I simply could not multitask, run around, and put off listening to my soul like I’d done before. My body would just go into malfunction.
AHHH! I admit that this felt like I was going backwards rather than forwards. “Is this what old age is about?” I wondered in horror as I complained to Spirit that I should be able to do more. But always, always, when I complained about this to the Divine I heard back, “Your soul is not asking you to do more–it’s asking you to create”. And I recognized that even though parts of me felt like I was moving slower, the truth was that I was creating more than I had perhaps ever done before.
Finally I recognized that although the various tools I share with my clients are wonderful, my true contribution is teaching them how to lead, what I call a soulful lifestyle, one where their soul is the guiding compass of their life. And that leading this soulful life is what creates the space for my client’s life purpose to manifest in their life. The blessing of all this for me is that as I teach this to my clients I learn it in deeper ways myself. Because the truth is that even though following my soul’s wisdom is a priority I still have plenty of parts that resist it. The difference is that now, more often than not, I listen to my soul anyway, even if parts of me are complaining along the way.
Blessings and love!
Follow up:
Reflect on where you are in your soul’s journey? Notice if you’re being called to adopt or modify any of the soulful practices that you do, or if perhaps you are being led to integrate them into your life in a way that is more front and center.